background: thermal power plants, that burn coal, produce a substantial amount of ash, including fly ash and bottom ash, as byproducts. the disposal of this ash presents significant environmental challenges, such as land degradation, groundwater contamination, and air pollution. traditional disposal methods like landfilling or ash dykes are not o...
 Background: The use of Earth Observation Satellite (EOS) technology for estimation of seasonal Actual Evapotranspiration (AET) of crops at various growth stages is well establishd. Due to low levels of water metering in irrigation, it is challenging to control theft from canals and unauthorized ground water extractions. Therefore, ET based techno...
 Background: Excessive and improper use of fertilizers leads to soil degradation and reduced agricultural productivity, negatively impacting farmers’ income. Description: Create a data-driven solution that recommends optimal fertilizer types and quantities based on soil health, crop type, and weather patterns, ensuring sustainable agricultural pra...
 Background: Water scarcity is a major challenge in agriculture, leading to inefficient water use and reduced crop yields. Traditional irrigation methods often result in overuse or underuse of water. Description: Develop a smart irrigation system that utilizes sensors and IoT technology to monitor soil moisture levels and weather conditions. This ...
 Background: Water scarcity is a major challenge in agriculture, leading to inefficient water use and reduced crop yields. Traditional irrigation methods often result in overuse or underuse of water. Description: Develop a smart irrigation system that utilizes sensors and IoT technology to monitor soil moisture levels and weather conditions. This ...
 Background- Agricultural productivity and food security are heavily dependent on the health of crops and livestock. Farmers, especially in remote or resource-limited areas, often face challenges in diagnosing and reporting diseases that affect their livestock and crops. Early diagnosis and timely reporting are crucial for effective disease manage...
 Background: Himachal Pradesh, a northern state in India, is renowned for its apple production, contributing significantly to the local economy and livelihoods. With an annual apple production of approximately 600,000 metric tons, the region's apple orchards face challenges related to tree health monitoring, nutrient management, pest and disease con...
 The Department of Consumer Affairs monitors the daily prices of 22 essential food commodities through 550 price reporting centres across the country. The Department also maintains buffer stock of pulses, viz., gram, tur, urad, moon and masur, and onion for strategic market interventions to stabilize the volatility in prices. Decisions for market ...
 Background: Farmers often face uncertainties in market access, leading to fluctuating incomes. Contract farming can provide stability by ensuring farmers have guaranteed buyers for their produce. Description: Develop a comprehensive platform that facilitates assured contract farming agreements between farmers and buyers. This platform will enable...
 Background: Crop diseases can devastate yields, leading to significant financial losses for farmers. Early detection and timely intervention are crucial for effective management. Description: Develop an AI-driven system that analyzes crop images and environmental data to predict potential disease outbreaks. This system will provide farmers with a...
 Background: Dual use precursor chemicals are substances that have legitimate industrial and commercial applications but can also be used in the illicit manufacture of drugs. For e.g. Opium is converted to Heroin using Acetic Anhydride and manufacturing of Methamphetamine is done using Ephedrine or Pseudoephedrine. Precursor chemicals are essentia...
 This application note addresses the design and implementation of a web-based RDBMS menu driven information system to provide the exhaustive information on existing farming systems prevailing in different Agro Climatic Zones in India (14) (29 centres across the country, India) . information system also recommends the required technological interve...
 Online auction is a business model where the items are sold through price bidding. Bidding have the start price and ending time. Potential buyers in the auction and the winner is the one who bids the item for highest price within the stipulated time. For buying product online user must provide his personal details like email address, contact numb...
 Machine learning (ML) can make use of agricultural data related to crop yield under varying Crop based nutrient levels, and climatic fluctuations to suggest appropriate crops or supplementary nutrients to achieve the highest possible production. The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of five distinct ML models for a dataset sourced ...
 Aim of this project is to develop a mechanical system for cleaning domestic cylindrical water tank. The mechanical system includes simple mechanism with centrifugal force.The principal involved in this mechanism is left hand fleming rule, were a simple electric energy is converted into rotational energy. The motor shaft is connected to a long v...
 In India economy is mainly based on agriculture still we are not able to make it profitable and make sustainable use of our land resources. Main reason is lack of knowledge regarding soil. There are many types of soil present and each type of soil has different characteristics. So it is necessary to test soil characteristics. There are different to...
 Traditional approaches to automatic classification of pollen grains consisted of classifiers working with feature extractors designed by experts, which modeled pollen grains aspects of special importance for biologists. Recently, a Deep Learning (DL) algorithm called Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) has shown a great improvement in performance in...
 Traditional approaches to automatic classification of pollen grains consisted of classifiers working with feature extractors designed by experts, which modeled pollen grains aspects of special importance for biologists. Recently, a Deep Learning (DL) algorithm called Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) has shown a great improvement in performance in...
 Sun drying is perhaps one of the oldest methods of food preservation that has been practiced for centuries. The direct usage of solar radiation which is renewable and abundant favours farmers that harvest and process at small quantity. As technology advances, an alternative to sun drying evolves to maximize the potential of solar radiation and this...
 The Rural Banking introduced in villages to give good and better services to the people for the development of their agriculture sector or to help for their small-scale business. The banking sector in India has witnessed a complete transformation both in its functioning and delivery of services to their customers.The banking services in rural areas...
 Rice ageing commences during preharvest and continues with the postharvest storage. It dramatically involves the changes in physical and physicochemical properties of the rice grain such as cooking, pasting, and thermal properties. The present report reviews and reveals the effect of rice ageing on the changes of rice physical properties. The studi...
 The agriculture sector faces many challenges such as crop diseases, pest infestation, water shortage, weeds and many more. These problems lead to substantial crop loss, economic loss and also causes severe environmental hazards due to the current agriculture practices. The AI and Robotics technologies have the potential to solve these problems effi...
 Decision support tools, usually considered to be software-based, may be an important part of the quest for evidence-based decision-making in agriculture to improve productivity and environmental outputs. These tools can lead users through clear steps and suggest optimal decision paths or may act more as information sources to improve the evidence b...
 The technology based modern agriculture industries are today’s requirement in every part of agriculture in Bangladesh. In this technology, the disease of plants is precisely controlled. Due to the variable atmospheric circumstances these conditions sometimes the farmer doesn’t know what type of disease on the plant and which type of medicine provid...
 This study provides a broad perspective on the main trends regarding the use of pesticides in developing countries and their impacts on human health and food security. Information is provided on the challenges of controlling these hazardous substances, along with the extent to which pesticides banned within the European Union (EU) are exported to t...
 In recent years, our insight into these shifts and their impact on water availability has increased. However, a similar detailed understanding of the seasonal pattern in water demand is surprisingly absent. This hampers a proper assessment of water stress and ways to cope and adapt. In this study, the seasonal pattern of irrigation-water demand res...
 A systematic attempt to determine the conditions under which, micro irrigation (MI) systems become the “best bet technology” in terms of realizing the potential benefits, and extent of reduction in crop water requirement possible through such systems is crucial for assessing our ability to address future water scarcity at the regional and national ...
 Agriculture and climate change are internally correlated with each other in various aspects, as climate change is the main cause of biotic and abiotic stresses, which have adverse effects on the agriculture of a region. The land and its agriculture are being affected by climate changes in different ways, e.g., variations in annual rainfall, average...
 The study area where the wastewater treatment is proposed is Rajouri in Jammu And Kashmir State. The growth of population at a faster rate, lack of education, poverty especially in rural areas has polluted the environment to a great extent. Here the paper gives the details about the population of the area, the drainage details, the water supply det...
 This study has evaluated the differentiating impact of MGNREGA on the extent of fulfilment of the basic entitlements such as days of employment, wages and earnings and the extent of coverage of social groups like dalits, adivasis and women and poverty alleviation. This study has disaggregated state level data to discern the factors that make a diff...
 As getting the information from various research papers and other sources we analysis that many peoples want to buy a plants and they directly concerned to nursery but sometimes people doesn’t know specific information about particular plant items as well seller is not technically skilled. Customer doesn’t compare plants pricing with different shop...
 The motivation for this project came from the countries where economy is based on agriculture and the climatic conditions lead to lack of rains & scarcity of water . Irrigation is moreover the backbone of Agricultural industry .Due to inadequate knowledge of proper utilization of water resource, lots of water is wastage in the application of irriga...
 With new technological advancement in controlled-environment agriculture systems, the level of productivity has significantly increased. Agriculture systems are now more capable, reliable, and provide enhanced productivity. An agriculture environment can range from a single plant in a house, a backyard garden, a small farm, to a large farming facil...
 Agriculture is the backbone of Indian economy. Due to global warming and climate change traditional farming in the regular months have been distorted and crops have been ruined is the most common phrase seen today. This not only gives economic losses but also the main reason for farmer sucide. Now agriculture needs support, time has come for techno...
 Agriculture is the backbone of Indian economy. Due to global warming and climate change traditional farming in the regular months have been distorted and crops have been ruined is the most common phrase seen today. This not only gives economic losses but also the main reason for farmer sucide. Now agriculture needs support, time has come for techno...
 This paper assesses the problems of financing Central and Eastern European agriculture during the present transitionary period and what the role of government is in this process. Initially the paper looks at why credit markets work imperfectly, even in well developed market economies, focusing on the problems related to asymmetric information, adve...
 This study explored the need for monitoring and evaluation system in an environment of a university in a third world country. Two methods were employed for data collection, which are qualitative and quantitative methodology combined with participatory action research methodology. Also prototype approach was used as method for system development. Gr...
 In our day to day life we consume food and our survival is predicated on mainly food. A considerable amount of our food is coming from farms and other means too. These farmers do their hard work for growing and serving many lives across the country, which pays for their source of income. But thanks to intermediates within the selling of their final...
 The online tourism industry is growing at a fast pace in India. The traditional forms of tourism are being replaced by new form e-tourism. The internet has offered with easy and costeffective solution to people who go for online travel bookings. E-service tourism companies need to understand the customer requirement and meet their expectations by e...
 Supermarkets, specialized wholesalers, processors, and agro-exporters are transforming the marketing channels into which smallholder farmers sell produce in low-income economies. We develop a conceptual framework with which to study contracting between smallholders and a commodity-processing firm. We then synthesize results from empirical studies o...
 The real power required for machine equipment depends on the resistance to the movement of it. Even now, in our country 98% of the contemporary machines use the power by burning of fossil fuels to run IC engines or external combustion engines. This evident has led to widespread air, water and noise pollution and most importantly has led to a realis...
 In this paper, the problem of energy-efficient data gathering in an Internet of Things (IoT) based remote area surveillance application is addressed by designing a suitable MAC layer uplink solution. We follow the 3GPP specified scheduled access scheme for narrowband IoT (NB-IoT) and consider presence of both delay sensitive and delay tolerant traf...
 5G-enabled Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) deployment will bring more severe security and privacy challenges, which puts forward higher requirements for access control. Blockchain-based access control method has become a promising security technology, but it still faces high latency in consensus process and weak adaptability to dynamic changes...
 In Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), a number of mutually untrusted devices with diverse computing resources and application requirements often need to work together to serve industrial production. When applying permissionless blockchain to process transactions among these devices, we are concerned with two types of fairness: mining fairness (i...
 In recent years, the appearance of the broad learning system (BLS) is poised to revolutionize conventional artificial intelligence methods. It represents a step toward building more efficient and effective machine-learning methods that can be extended to a broader range of necessary research fields. In this survey, we provide a comprehensive overvi...
 Nowadays, IoT systems can better satisfy the service requirements of users with effectively utilizing edge computing resources. Designing an appropriate pricing scheme is critical for users to obtain the optimal computing resources at a reasonable price and for service providers to maximize profits. This problem is complicated with incomplete infor...
 This paper presents a distributed and decentralized architecture for the implementation of Distributed Artificial Intelligence (DAI) using hardware platforms provided by the Internet of Things (IoT). A trained DAI system has been implemented over the IoT, where each IoT device acts as one or more of the neurons within the DAI layers. This is accomp...
 In recent years, the Internet of Things (IoT) has made great progress. The interconnection between IoT and the Internet enables real-time information processing and transaction implementation through heterogeneous intelligent devices. But the security, the privacy, and the reliability of IoT are key challenges that limit its development. The featur...
 Nowadays, IoT systems can better satisfy the service requirements of users with effectively utilizing edge computing resources. Designing an appropriate pricing scheme is critical for users to obtain the optimal computing resources at a reasonable price and for service providers to maximize profits. This problem is complicated with incomplete infor...
 The deficiency of water all throughout the planet compel us to limit the use of water. Over 75% of new water assets were utilizing for water system reason so productive use of water in water system framework with cutting edge strategy is required. This paper presents a cutting-edge innovation based savvy framework to anticipate the water system nec...
  The IoT allows objects to be sensed or controlled remotely across existinginfrastructure, creating opportunities for more direct integration of the physical world into computer-based systems, and resulting in improved efficiency, accuracy and economic benefit in addition to reduced human intervention. The Internet of Things (IoT) i...
 An automatic irrigation system is developed to optimize water use for agricultural crops. The system consists soil moisture sensor and temperature senor placed in the soil. The system consist water Level sensor which will indicate the presence of water level in the water source. By comparing the signal from the sensors with threshold value the d...
 Recommender system algorithms are widely used in e-commerce to provide personalized and more accurate recommendations to online users and enhance the sales and user stickiness of e-commerce. This paper discusses several recommendation algorithms and the challenge of tradition recommender system in big data situation, and then proposes a framework o...
 The main aim of our project is to protect the crops from damage caused by animal as well as divert the animal without any harm. Animal detection system is designed to detect the presence of animal and offer a warning. In this project we used PIR and ultrasonic sensors to detect the movement of the animal and send signal to the controller .It divert...
 As water supply is becoming scarce in today’s world there is an urgency of adopting smart ways of irrigation. The project describes how irrigation can be handled smartly using IOT. This project aims at saving time and avoiding problems like constant vigilance. It also helps in conserving water by automatically providing w...
 Agriculture is a profession of many tedious processes and practices, one of which is the spraying of insecticides in the vineyards. A typical vineyard requires extensive spraying every 4-5 days in the summer and every 3-4 days in the rainy season. The conventional methods are: a person carrying a sprayer and manually actuating a lever to generate p...
 Nowadays, rice farming is affected by various diseases that are economically significant and worthy of attention. One of these diseases is blast. Rice blast is one of the most important limiting factors in rice yield. The purpose of this study is the timely and rapid diagnosis of rice blast based on the image processing technique in field condition...
 Potato is one of the prominent food crops all over the world. In Bangladesh, potato cultivation has been getting remarkable popularity over the last decades. Many diseases affect the proper growth of potato plants. Noticeable diseases are seen in the leaf region of this plant. Two common and popular leaf diseases of the potato plants are Early Blig...
 Potato is one of the prominent food crops all over the world. In Bangladesh, potato cultivation has been getting remarkable popularity over the last decades. Many diseases affect the proper growth of potato plants. Noticeable diseases are seen in the leaf region of this plant. Two common and popular leaf diseases of the potato plants are Early Blig...
 Potato is one of the prominent food crops all over the world. In Bangladesh, potato cultivation has been getting remarkable popularity over the last decades. Many diseases affect the proper growth of potato plants. Noticeable diseases are seen in the leaf region of this plant. Two common and popular leaf diseases of the potato plants are Early Blig...

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