Sustainable Fertilizer Usage Optimizer for Higher Yield

 Background: Excessive and improper use of fertilizers leads to soil degradation and reduced agricultural productivity, negatively impacting farmers’ income. Description: Create a data-driven solution that recommends optimal fertilizer types and quantities based on soil health, crop type, and weather patterns, ensuring sustainable agricultural pra...

Smart Irrigation System for Precision Farming

 Background: Water scarcity is a major challenge in agriculture, leading to inefficient water use and reduced crop yields. Traditional irrigation methods often result in overuse or underuse of water. Description: Develop a smart irrigation system that utilizes sensors and IoT technology to monitor soil moisture levels and weather conditions. This ...

Smart Irrigation System for Precision Farming

 Background: Water scarcity is a major challenge in agriculture, leading to inefficient water use and reduced crop yields. Traditional irrigation methods often result in overuse or underuse of water. Description: Develop a smart irrigation system that utilizes sensors and IoT technology to monitor soil moisture levels and weather conditions. This ...

Mobile App for Direct Market Access for Farmers

 Background: Farmers often face challenges in accessing markets, leading to lower income due to middlemen. This gap restricts their ability to sell produce at fair prices. Description: Create a mobile application that connects farmers directly with consumers and retailers. The app should include features for listing produce, negotiating prices, an...

Farmers Disease Diagnostic/Reporting Portal - Mobile Portal Al Based

 Background- Agricultural productivity and food security are heavily dependent on the health of crops and livestock. Farmers, especially in remote or resource-limited areas, often face challenges in diagnosing and reporting diseases that affect their livestock and crops. Early diagnosis and timely reporting are crucial for effective disease manage...

Drone-Based Intelligent System for Apple Orchard Management in Himachal Pradesh

 Background: Himachal Pradesh, a northern state in India, is renowned for its apple production, contributing significantly to the local economy and livelihoods. With an annual apple production of approximately 600,000 metric tons, the region's apple orchards face challenges related to tree health monitoring, nutrient management, pest and disease con...

Development of AI-ML based models for predicting prices of agri-horticultural commodities such as pulses and vegetable (onion, potato, onion)

 The Department of Consumer Affairs monitors the daily prices of 22 essential food commodities through 550 price reporting centres across the country. The Department also maintains buffer stock of pulses, viz., gram, tur, urad, moon and masur, and onion for strategic market interventions to stabilize the volatility in prices. Decisions for market ...

Assured Contract Farming System for Stable Market Access

 Background: Farmers often face uncertainties in market access, leading to fluctuating incomes. Contract farming can provide stability by ensuring farmers have guaranteed buyers for their produce. Description: Develop a comprehensive platform that facilitates assured contract farming agreements between farmers and buyers. This platform will enable...

AI-Driven Crop Disease Prediction and Management System

 Background: Crop diseases can devastate yields, leading to significant financial losses for farmers. Early detection and timely intervention are crucial for effective management. Description: Develop an AI-driven system that analyzes crop images and environmental data to predict potential disease outbreaks. This system will provide farmers with a...

Affordable, Sustainable, and User-friendly Solutions for Semen Dose Storage and Distribution

 Background: lndia has emerged as leading milk producer country in the world, however productivity of dairy animals is very low. To improve the productivity of animals a major focus area is to breed these animals using semen from high genetic merit bulls through Artificial lnsemination (Al). Al enables farmers to access the best bull (male) geneti...

Web-scrapping tool to be developed to search and report Critical and High Severity Vulnerabilities of OEM equipment (IT and OT) published at respective OEM websites and other relevant web platforms.

 Background: Critical Sector organisations uses a number of IT and OT equipment (e.g. Networking and hardware device, Operating Systems, Applications, Firmware etc.). These devices/application come with vulnerabilities from time to time. There should be timely information sharing mechanism by which the concerned equipment users at critical sector ...

Universal Switch Set with Data Encryption and Decryption for Legacy Applications without Cyber Safety Measures

 Background: In metro system OEM install the switches and bind these switches with their MAC address mostly so it is difficult to install or upgrade the different switch in network without compromising the cyber security. Retrofitting these systems with modern security protocols can he challenging and costly, particularly for organizations with limi...

Solution for end-to-end tracking of dual use chemicals used in both legitimate industries and illicit drug production from point of manufacture to point of end use/export.

 Background: Dual use precursor chemicals are substances that have legitimate industrial and commercial applications but can also be used in the illicit manufacture of drugs. For e.g. Opium is converted to Heroin using Acetic Anhydride and manufacturing of Methamphetamine is done using Ephedrine or Pseudoephedrine. Precursor chemicals are essentia...

Software solutions to identify users behind Telegram, WhatsApp and Instagram based drug trafficking

 Background: Use of encrypted messaging/social media apps like Telegram, WhatsApp and Instagram for drug trafficking are on the rise. Channels operating on Telegram and WhatsApp and Instagram handles are blatantly being misused by drug traffickers for offering various narcotic drugs and Psychotropic substances for sale. Description: WhatsApp and Tel...

Software solution to identify the end receiver of a cryptocurrency transaction

 Background: Use of cryptocurrencies like bitcoin, USDT, Monero etc. for drug trafficking activities are increasingly becoming common. The relative anonymity and speed provided by cryptocurrencies are misused by drug traffickers as a mode of transaction for drug sales and also as an asset to amass the proceeds of crime. Description: Drug trafficke...

Recovery of Deleted Data and Associated Metadata from XFS and Btrfs Filesystems

 Background : Digital evidence has become increasingly crucial in forensic investigations. The recovery of deleted data from storage devices is essential for reconstructing timelines, identifying suspects, and uncovering critical information. Traditional file systems like FAT and NTFS have been extensively studied, and tools for recovering deleted d...

Improving open source software security using Fuzzing

 Background: Fuzzing is an automated process of identifying software vulnerabilities by supplying unexpected and faulty inputs to the software. The main aim of fuzzing is to identify the crucial edge cases where a software might fail. Therefore, fuzzing provides a crucial insight into the stability and security of the software. The process of fuzzin...

Identification of algorithm from the given dataset using AI/ML Techniques

 Background: There are large number of cryptographic algorithms available for ensuring data confidentiality and integrity in secure communication. Identification of the algorithm is a research activity that leads to better understanding of the weakness in its implementation, in order to make the algorithm more robust and secure. Description: The a...

Developing a tool to provide for real time feeds of cyber incident pertaining to Indian Cyber Space

 Background: NCIIPC shares detail of cyber incidents to corresponding stakeholders in order to inform them about cyber activities related to their IT/OT infrastructure. This empowers them to take necessary actions to mitigate further risk. Description: In order to achieve objective of protecting Critical Information Infrastructure (CIIs) of the Na...

De-anonymizing of entities on the onion sites operating on TOR Network

 Background: Dark web is being used for illegal purposes and number of market places are being operated by the underground operators which facilitate illegal buying/selling of drugs/weapons/data leaks/counterfeit moneys/documents etc. Platforms, being anonymise to the LEA, make it difficult to identify the market place running on dark web mainly TOR...

DDoS Protection System for Cloud: Architecture and Tool

 Background: Many organization are using Cloud for hosting their web applications. The attackers can try to attack these webservers for achieving Denial of Service attack. Specifically, Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) attack is a malicious attempt to disrupt the normal traffic of a targeted server, service or network of Cloud infrastructure by ...

Creating an application to identify the presence of government issued personally identifiable information (PII) embedded in documents and data, inadvertently or otherwise

 Background: In today’s digital age, a wide variety of services and processes take place online. Users of these digital facilities are required to upload government-issued containing documents or provide data for successfully availing the services. However, the uploaded documents or data which are required to facilitate these digital services and pr...

Creating a cyber triage tool to streamline digital forensic investigation

 To design and develop an innovative digital forensics and incident response tool with an intuitive and accessible interface for investigators, that streamlines the process of importing evidence, conducting automated analysis, and generating detailed reports. The tool should feature an interface with clear navigation & real-time data visualization a...

Centralized application-context aware firewall

 Description: Develop an application firewall for end-points that can identity and restrict access of application to external network/hosts. The application firewall should provide further granular control of restricting domains, IP addresses and protocols for each application. The firewall should be manageable through a centralized web console wh...

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