Now a days everything should be easy access and available according to need but still facing issues in child vaccination system in rural areas of Sindh still no perfect system available for Parents to view how much vaccine was done on which date. E-Vaccination Record Management App of Child access from any location and time to get information eas...
 Background: The transportation of temperature-sensitive goods is a critical aspect of supply chain management. Medicines, vaccines, and certain FMCG products require strict temperature control to maintain their efficacy and safety. Description: Exposure to high temperatures can compromise these products, leading to potential health risks and fina...
 COVID-19 is a life threatening disease which has a enormous global impact. As the cause of the disease is a novel coronavirus whose gene information is unknown, drugs and vaccines are yet to be found. For the present situation, disease spread analysis and prediction with the help of mathematical and data driven model will be of great help to initia...

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