Develop a Smart Yoga Mat integrated with Artificial Intelligence (AI) capabilities to support smart watch integration for tracking progress and provide curated yoga content by experts, while ensuring its affordability



Background: Yoga has gained global recognition for its numerous health benefits, including physical fitness, mental well-being, and stress reduction. As part of India's ancient heritage, yoga is a key component of the AYUSH (Ayurveda, Yoga & Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha, and Homoeopathy) systems of medicine, promoting holistic health practices. In today's digital age, there is a growing demand for innovative solutions that combine traditional practices with modern technology. A smart yoga mat equipped with AI and smart watch integration presents an opportunity to enhance the yoga experience, making it more interactive, personalized, and accessible. Detailed Description: The objective of this challenge is to design and develop a Smart Yoga Mat that leverages AI capabilities to: Smart Watch Integration: Enable seamless connectivity with smart watches to track key metrics such as heart rate, calories burned, and workout duration. This integration should provide real-time feedback to users, helping them monitor their progress and adjust their practice accordingly. AI-Powered Guidance: Utilize AI algorithms to analyze user data from the smart watch and provide personalized recommendations for yoga routines. The Smart Yoga Mat should be capable of offering curated content, including instructional videos, audio guidance, and posture corrections based on individual performance metrics. Affordability: Ensure that the Smart Yoga Mat remains cost-effective without compromising on quality or functionality. This affordability factor is crucial for encouraging widespread adoption among AYUSH start-ups and yoga enthusiasts across India. Expected Outcome: Participants are expected to deliver a prototype of the Smart Yoga Mat that demonstrates: Seamless integration with smart watches for tracking yoga-related metrics. AI-driven capabilities for personalized yoga guidance and content recommendations. User-friendly interface and ergonomic design suitable for various yoga practices. Cost-effective manufacturing feasibility, suitable for AYUSH start-ups.


The purpose of this survey is to explore the potential benefits of integrating IIoT with yoga. By analyzing relevant research articles published in English, we aim to identify how intelligent techniques (machine learning, deep learning, and artificial intelligence) integrated with yoga practices enhance physical, mental, and emotional well-being, and how better results are achieved. The validity of this survey may be affected by two threats: inadequate selection of primary studies and incorrect data extraction [17]. To mitigate such threats, this paper extracts multiple keywords based on research questions; then, it accurately refines the paper based on the preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-analyses (PRISMAs) method.


A smart yoga mat and yoga posture detection are some innovations where cameras and sensors are embedded into the mat or training place for feedback on the practitioner’s postures, scoring practice, and independent guidance at home or at a convenient place without the presence of a tutor. For example, relying on IoT, the system designed to detect yoga posture and provide feedback can operate in multiple steps. First, the training data for the system are collected using different cameras. Second, the system interprets data obtained from the practitioner, which uses multiple approaches, including threshold values, Hausdorff distance, etc. Third, the motion evaluation algorithm identifies the joint points; joint point angle measurement helps to identify the action based on the computed joint points. The action speed is determined by the time it takes to complete the action. Finally, using text conversion technology, the system’s evaluation results (output) are delivered in the forms of text and voice.


To benefit from yoga training, all the procedures should be accomplished precisely. Additionally, to address the demand of professionals who want to practice at home, the integration of IoT provides them with potential solutions, where multiple intelligent yoga mats [12], wearable devices [13], and yoga-posture recognition sensors [14] are designed to monitor, detect, and provide feedback when mistakes happen. For instance, wearable sensors or Kinect/RGB camera-based yoga posture recognition and a correction approach are deployed in [15]. However, this approach possesses privacy issues, which are addressed in [14,16], which undergoes the detection of yoga postures using IoT, infrared sensors, and intelligent techniques. Similarly, a wireless sensor network with low-resolution infrared sensors recognizes up to 26 yoga postures. In comparison to other thermal sensor-based systems, the proposed system hardware is portable, unobtrusive, cheap, and easy to install. Additionally, the proposed system is more reliable compared to the radio signal strengthbased yoga pose detection as the infrared signal does not naturally interfere with the radio frequency


Enhanced Progress Tracking: Users receive real-time feedback on their poses and alignment, helping them improve technique and prevent injuries. Comprehensive progress metrics allow users to visualize improvements in flexibility, strength, and consistency. Personalized Experience: Curated content based on individual preferences and performance ensures that users receive relevant guidance tailored to their skill levels and goals. The AI adapts recommendations over time, making the practice more engaging and effective.

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