Research and develop a design on “ autonomous water surface cleaning robot

ABSTARCT : Design an autonomous water surface cleaning robot, to automate the task of cleaning water surfaces. These robots are particularly useful in environmental protection efforts, as they can perform high-efficiency cleaning without human intervention. It can be autonomous or remote-controlled. The robot needs to be lightweight and flexible for easy transportation. The specifications are as follows: Length × Height × Width - 2.5 m × 1.5 m × 0.75 m Weight - 80 kg Maximum Speed - 1.5 m/s Trash Payload - 25 kg Project submission must include conceptual sketches and images in the PPT presentation. At least one component must be optimized using the generative design module. The robot should incorporate Industry 4.0 applications, such as IoT and AI, for a smart and efficient cleaning solution. Teams choosing to submit idea for Autodesk’s problem statement are required to request their faculty (SIH SPOC) to fill this mandatory form. ( Autodesk Fusion is a cloud-based 3D modeling, CAD, CAM, CAE, and PCB software platform for professional product design and manufacturing. Students and educators can click here to get FREE access to Fusion. ( Participation Guidelines: For Idea Submission: Each student team will have to submit a PowerPoint presentation (5-7 Slides) about their project with conceptual sketches and images. Students and educators can click here to get FREE access to Fusion. ( Participation Guidelines: For Idea Submission: Each student team will have to submit a PowerPoint presentation (5-7 Slides) about their project with conceptual sketches and images. No design files required at this stage and design should only be created during the Grand Finale For Grand Finale: Students must use Fusion to design autonomous water surface cleaning robot within the given time period and present the following to the jury members: PPT explaining the final project Public link of the design Rendered images and animations Note: Teams coming with pre-designed files will be disqualified. Marking Criteria: Please note that this marking criteria is for Autodesk's this particular Problem Statement only Design Objective:10 Design Process:10 Creativity and Novelty:30 Software Usage:30 Manufacturability:20 Total marks:100
 The Ro-Boat is still in the experimental and research stage, with a focus on boosting its carrying capacity. To expand its use, its creators are in talks with the Indian government. Previously some robots have been built for cleaning water surface. A few results are available in the open references, which have discussed the development of such particular purpose robot . This work aims at developing a more versatile and efficient system by the usage of the aqua robot. This robot has an excellent opportunity to expand its functions in the future. Such conducting activities for removing algae, leaves and twigs; spraying of chemicals at the appropriate locations; checking the water quality as well as deploying payload are planned to be done autonomously. These functions may save a lot of human effort and provide a sustainable solution to the pervasive problem. For navigation and trash cleaning on the ground, many well-designed algorithms have been developed earlier for both single robotic systems as well as for swarms.
 Initial Investment:The upfront cost of developing or purchasing an autonomous water cleaning robot can be high, particularly for advanced models equipped with sophisticated sensors and cleaning technologies. Chemical Use:If equipped with chemical cleaning agents for algae removal or other pollutants, there is a risk of contamination to the water, adversely affecting aquatic ecosystems. GPS Dependence: Many robots rely on GPS for navigation, which can be unreliable in densely vegetated areas or underwater, affecting their ability to maneuver accurately. Weather Dependence:Performance can be hindered by adverse weather conditions (e.g., heavy rain, wind, or rough waters), limiting operational windows. Data Processing:The need for real-time data processing can strain onboard computing resources, affecting the robot's response time and efficiency.
 The robot will feature a streamlined, buoyant chassis constructed from lightweight, corrosion-resistant materials, ensuring durability and ease of movement across various water surfaces. Propelled by dual propulsion systems—submersible propellers for maneuverability and adjustable paddles for stability—the robot can efficiently navigate complex aquatic environments while maintaining optimal speed and agility. At the heart of the cleaning mechanism lies a multi-faceted approach, incorporating rotating brushes for scrubbing algae, a suction system for removing smaller debris, and a netting feature to capture larger items, such as leaves and plastics. Powering the entire system will be a hybrid energy source, combining rechargeable lithium-ion batteries with solar panels, enabling extended operational periods with minimal downtime.
 Continuous Operation: Autonomous robots can operate continuously without the need for breaks, enabling them to cover large areas of water surfaces effectively and reduce the frequency of manual cleaning. Reduced Labor Costs: By automating the cleaning process, these robots minimize the need for manual labor, leading to significant savings on labor costs over time. Pollution Reduction: By actively removing debris, algae, and other pollutants, these robots help improve water quality and reduce the impact of waste on aquatic ecosystems. Smart Sensors: Equipped with various sensors (e.g., ultrasonic, infrared, and water quality sensors), these robots can detect and respond to changes in their environment, enhancing their effectiveness. Risk Reduction: By automating the cleaning process, these robots reduce the risk to human workers, particularly in hazardous environments (e.g., polluted waters, remote locations).
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