Use of digital technology or making physical prototype for micro irrigation system to improve Water Use Efficiency of Irrigation sector
A systematic attempt to determine the conditions under which, micro irrigation (MI) systems become the “best bet technology” in terms of realizing the potential benefits, and extent of reduction in crop water requirement possible through such systems is crucial for assessing our ability to address future water scarcity at the regional and national level. The ultimate objective of this research is to find out under what conditions micro irrigation system offer the best bet technology, and what benefits it can yield. The research aims at determining the potential benefits from the use of MI systems in India. This is done through assessing: a] the conditions that are favourable for MI system adoption; b] the field level and aggregate level impacts of the systems on water use; and c] the yield and economic benefits from adoption. The research also aims at assessing the potential future coverage of MI systems in India, and the potential reduction in aggregate water requirement in crop production. The research used extensive review of published and unpublished literature on the feasibility, and physical and economic impacts of various MI systems; results from field experiments carried out by IWMI in one location in Gujarat on the techno-economic viability of some MI devices; data from field-based research carried out by IWMI researchers on the economic viability of MI systems; and statistics on MI adoption in India.
? The creation of WUAs supports the active participation of communities and ensures required capacity building in user groups for enhanced implementation of projects and conservation of existing water resources.
? Non-existent electric feeders at farms as electricity provides better pressured water.
? Water is an absolute imperative for the existence of life on earth and a common driver of various economic activities (agriculture, industry, etc.).
? Such efforts are crucial for assessing our ability to address problems of water scarcity in the future at the regional and national level.
? They cited high initial cost (including mis-targetted subsidies), clogging of drippers and cracking of pipes, lack of adequate technical inputs, damages done by rodents; high cost of spare components; and insufficient extension education effort as the major problems in the slow rate of adoption of drips.
? In areas where agricultural processing units are concentrated, provision of all critical inputs including subsidies would not be a problem, as they could come from these processing units.
• In surface irrigation systems in particular, adaptive real-time control has been proposed for the management of temporal infiltration variability.
• Water used for industrial and domestic purposes account for approximately 20% and 10% of the total global water usage, respectively.
• This has led to improved WUE, and some of the water saved has been used for environmental purposes.
? The actual field performance in the irrigation systems is not as good as that shown in experiments and demonstrations.
? The incremental value of outputs, an important factor which influences the economic performance of drip system is the cost of installation of the system.
? The farmers should be made to pay the full cost of the system initially, and subsidies be paid in installments based on periodic review of system performance.