Device an application to monitor Humans health issues due to increased usage of pesticides in agriculture and unethical means adopted by food processing industries

Abstract : This study provides a broad perspective on the main trends regarding the use of pesticides in developing countries and their impacts on human health and food security. Information is provided on the challenges of controlling these hazardous substances, along with the extent to which pesticides banned within the European Union (EU) are exported to third countries. The analysis assesses the factorsbehind the continuation of these exports, along with the rising demand for better controls. Recommendations are intended to improve the ability for all people, including future generations, to have access to healthy food in line with United Nations declarations. These recommendations include collaborating with the Rotterdam Convention to strengthen capacity building programmes and the use of the knowledge base maintained by the Convention; supporting collaboration among developing countries to strengthen pesticide risk regulation; explore options to make regulatory risk data more transparent and accessible; strengthen research and education in alternatives to pesticides; stop all exports of crop protection products banned in the EU; only allow the export ofseverely restricted pesticides if these are regulated accordingly and used properly in the importing country; and support the re-evaluation of pesticide registrations in developing countries to be in line with FAO/WHO Code of Conduct.
 ? A competitive market encourages innovation and helps to control prices, but existing criteria for the development of new pest control products may not sufficiently stress human health concerns or consider long-term environmental impacts. ? It is doubtful whether existing pesticides will be able to tackle the new and mutated pests. ? These global international initiatives coexist with regional agreements on the use of pesticides and sustainable crop production.
 ? There are concerns about the possible ability of glyphosate to cause gluten intolerance, a health problem associated with deficiencies in essential trace metals, reproductive issues, and increased risk to develop non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. ? The industrialization of agriculture has brought a series of problems including economic, social, and environmental impacts that local populations cannot manage. ? The overproduction of food, export-oriented monocultures, the demand for cheap labor, and the other characteristics of industrialization have clearly failed to solve the problems of hunger and malnutrition.
 • These products are also used for other purposes, such as the improvement and maintenance of non-agricultural areas like public urban green areas and sport fields. • While most pesticide manufacturers have decided to adhere to the proposed framework, some have not. • The Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management (SAICM) proposes another non-binding practice for pesticide management.
 ? The large-scale farming sector will welcome integrated solutions if they offer a cost advantage and will also want to ensure that they are on the right side of MRL requirements. ? In terms of behaviourchange, in many cases they are also likely to be the most difficult to convince regarding the long-term advantages of alternative methods, especially given the widespread availability of inexpensive pesticides. ? The use of IPM strategies has advantages, such as reducing adverse environmental and health effects and long-term positive effects on yields, e.g., through increased bio-control and soil fertility.
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