A systematic attempt to determine the conditions under which, micro irrigation (MI) systems become the “best bet technology” in terms of realizing the potential benefits, and extent of reduction in crop water requirement possible through such systems is crucial for assessing our ability to address future water scarcity at the regional and national ...
 The application of embedded web technology in the remote monitoring system has given rise to the technological change in the field of industrial control. Nowadays the management of the domestic laboratories in the research institute and universities has issues of poor real time, high cost and low precision. This paper comes up...
 The motivation for this project came from the countries where economy is based on agriculture and the climatic conditions lead to lack of rains & scarcity of water . Irrigation is moreover the backbone of Agricultural industry .Due to inadequate knowledge of proper utilization of water resource, lots of water is wastage in the application of irriga...
  The IoT allows objects to be sensed or controlled remotely across existinginfrastructure, creating opportunities for more direct integration of the physical world into computer-based systems, and resulting in improved efficiency, accuracy and economic benefit in addition to reduced human intervention. The Internet of Things (IoT) i...
 An automatic irrigation system is developed to optimize water use for agricultural crops. The system consists soil moisture sensor and temperature senor placed in the soil. The system consist water Level sensor which will indicate the presence of water level in the water source. By comparing the signal from the sensors with threshold value the d...
 As water supply is becoming scarce in today’s world there is an urgency of adopting smart ways of irrigation. The project describes how irrigation can be handled smartly using IOT. This project aims at saving time and avoiding problems like constant vigilance. It also helps in conserving water by automatically providing w...

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