Design of Embedded Irrigation System by Using WSN
The application of embedded web technology in the remote monitoring system has given rise to the technological change in the field of industrial control. Nowadays the management of the domestic laboratories in the research institute and universities has issues of poor real time, high cost and low precision. This paper comes up with a design solution of an embedded web-based remote monitoring system for the environment in the laboratories, which realizes the local management and remote publishing applications for large-scale dynamic data of sensor networks and video images. Here, we propose the design and implementation of low cost web based remote monitoring system with built-in security features. Due to the usage of an embedded intelligent monitoring module which is the SamsungS3C244032-bit ARM Samsung processor as its main controller, the performance and frequency of which are suitable for real-time video image capture and processing applications. This micro controller works for a voltage of +3.3V DC and at an operating frequency of 400 MHz, The maximum frequency up to which this micro controller can work is 533 MHz making it very much suitable for a portable system. Later programming is done on this Board to make it act as an embedded web server.
? These systems, watering is done without analyzing the soil properties, due to which systems apply non uniform water to the soil results in less yields.
? Various commercial WSNs exist, ranging from limited and low resolution devices with sensors and embedded processors.
? The goal of coordinator node is to collect the parameters like soil moisture and soil temperature wirelessly.
? The wireless sensor network creates the networks of multiple devices having capable of computation, communication and sensing.
? In this proposed system WSN is consists of two nodes, coordinator node and Router/End device node. Each node mainly consists of memory, processor and an RF transceiver.
? The measured property of soil and wet soil should be graduated and will vary betting on environmental factors like soil sort, temperature, or electrical conduction.
? This misuse of electricity has brought a considerable problem for government to supply free electricity.
? Labor-saving and water-saving technology is a key issue in irrigation.
? We require modern technology to resolve this problem and support better irrigation management.
? Each sensor node contains one soil moisture and soil temperature sensors, and one ZigBee transceiver.
• This proposed system recognizes whether the free electricity has been used other than electric motors for pumping water and if so electricity is being misused, it shuts the total supply for the farmers through a tripping circuit.
• These components were selected to minimize the power consumption for the proposed application.
• The Purpose of this project is to provide embedded based system for irrigation to reduce the manual monitoring of the field and get the information in the form of GPRS.
• The Purpose of this project is to provide embedded based system for irrigation to reduce the manual monitoring of the field and get the information in the form of GPRS.
? An irrigation controller is used to open a solenoid valve and apply watering to bedding plants(impatiens, petunia, salvia, and vinca) when the volumetric water content of the substrate drops below a set point.
? The cable float level switch can not only can be used in clear liquids but also can be used in granular liquids.
? In environmental application, sensors network have been used to monitor a variety of environmental parameters or conditions in marine, soil and atmospheric conditions.
? In this the design of a Micro-controller based drip irrigation mechanism is proposed, which is a real time feedback control system for monitoring and controlling all the activities of drip irrigation system more efficiently.