Agriculture is a profession of many tedious processes and practices, one of which is the spraying of insecticides in the vineyards. A typical vineyard requires extensive spraying every 4-5 days in the summer and every 3-4 days in the rainy season. The conventional methods are: a person carrying a sprayer and manually actuating a lever to generate pressure and pump the pesticide through a tube or a mobile vehicle carrying an inbuilt compressor and sprayer unit which has to be manually driven by a human operator. These methods are fuel consuming and susceptible to human errors. Another major drawback in human operated systems is that the operator is exposed to the harmful chemicals while spraying. Long term exposure, as in this case, can be extremely detrimental to the operator’s health. This is a project which can be viewed as a viable alternate to these methods. The Automatic sprayer is a three wheeled vehicle which sprays pesticide in any given vineyard with almost nil human assistance. The vehicle is powered using an onboard solar powered battery which brings down the running cost. The control of the vehicle is achieved using an inbuilt microcontroller unit which is programmed to respond to the Bluetooth device.
Hand operated sprayers (backpack with spray pump) Fig.1Hand operated sprayers. Backpack sprayer refitted with a harness so the sprayers can be carried on the operator back. Tank capacity may be large as 20 liters. A hand lever is continuously operated for to maintain the pressure which makes the backpack sprayers output more uniform than that of a handheld sprayers. Basic low cost backpack sprayer will generate only low pressure and lack feature such as high-pressure pumps, pressure adjustment control(regulator) and pressure gauge found on commercial grade units.
? Mechanization for spraying operation is costlier for specialized operations such as High pressure sprayer, Engine operated sprayer.
? Skills of labor required depend upon the complexity of the equipment machinery used.
? All the pre-existing methods have concentrated on providing feasible easy solutions to reduce cost of production by reducing cost of mechanization and increasing productivity.
This paper emphasis on the spraying of pesticides using solar power as energy. It can be most often used at various locations such as farms, gardens. The additional advantage of our system is when battery is charged it can use for home appliances. Our attempt is to developed mechanism, or device which is operates on renewable energy. To save other non-renewable source like petrol etc. And also helpful for agriculture sector.
? It is multipurpose machine.
? Easy to operate and user friendly.
? Very less pollution on other models.
? It is portable
? Unit cost is very cheap one.
? Maintenances cost is low.
? Easy to assemble.