Artificial Intelligence enabled Agriculture, Food and Public Robotic stacker for mechanized Distribution Loading/Unloading of food grain
Abstract : The agriculture sector faces many challenges such as crop diseases, pest infestation, water shortage, weeds and many more. These problems lead to substantial crop loss, economic loss and also causes severe environmental hazards due to the current agriculture practices. The AI and Robotics technologies have the potential to solve these problems efficiently. As the agriculture is a dynamic sector, the problems in agriculture are not generalised by AI and robotics, and a specific solution is provided to a particular complex problem. A variety of systems have been developed to help these challenges and provide a better approach worldwide. This literature review contains significant contributions used to address the challenges that agriculture faces, through AI and robotic techniques. We have also addressed essential milestones in the development process, and the challenges for broad adoption of these technologies along with its social, economic, and environmental impacts, and concludes by shedding some light on how to overcome challenges of adoption.
? It has developed a cloud-based solution that aggregates all existing data that farmers have like soil/water sensors, aerial images and so on.
? Though Artificial Intelligence offers vast opportunities for application in agriculture, there still exists a lack of familiarity with high tech machine learning solutions in farms across most parts of the world.
? Different approaches have been suggested to solve the existing problems in the agriculture starting from the database to decision support systems.
? Agriculture is a dynamic sector, the problems in agriculture are not generalised by AI and robotics based approach, and a specific solution is provided to a particular complex problem.
? Significant factors such as climate change, global warming, water scarcity, insect and disease infestation, overuse of pesticides, weeds, under-irrigation, and drainage, along with these labour shortage is another critical problem.
? These issues have driven the agriculture sector into finding more innovative ideas and techniques for improving crop yield and protecting the ecology.
• It is proposed to make use of Digital solution aided with Artificial intelligence to uplift the habitat of the trampled farmer community while providing yet a new opportunity for business and entrepreneurs by enabling smart farm as a service.
• This service helps the farmers in facilitating feasibility of the getting, crop loan, processing support, eligibility criteria and loan limit as per the smart estimation made for the propose crop.
• The field of artificial intelligence with its rigorous learning capabilities have become a key technique for solving different agriculture related problems.
? AI and robotics-based technologies have the potential to solve these problems efficiently.
? These technologies can improve crop yield efficiency, irrigation by using less water, crop monitoring, quality of the crop.
? The main goal of developing such autonomous system is to reduce the usage of resources and increase the efficiency and productivity without the intervention of a significant amount of human resources, by detecting water levels, soil temperature, nutrient quality, and weather forecasting.