To develop Waste water management system in villages
The study area where the wastewater treatment is proposed is Rajouri in Jammu And Kashmir State. The growth of population at a faster rate, lack of education, poverty especially in rural areas has polluted the environment to a great extent. Here the paper gives the details about the population of the area, the drainage details, the water supply details and the ground water quality In this paper it has been tried to explain as how we can treat wastewater in rural areas by proposing a wastewater treatment process. Once treated wastewater can be used for number of purposes like growing plants, vegetables etc.
? An existing treatment system is to be renovated or a new system built, the planning should ensure that all the goals of treatment be considered, that different options be evaluated, and that costs for construction and maintenance of all the options be compared.
? It is simple to renovate existing systems to install this alternative. The toilet is replaced with an urine separating stool, and a new, separate pipe or hose is installed to a collection tank.
? It is also advantageous that the existing sedimentation basins in the pump station and treatment plant can be used for sedimentation, while the existing building can be used to protect and isolate the trickling filter.
? The major disadvantage of the septic tank is that it produce adverse impact on the ground water quality.
? The problem of eutrophication in inland waters remained, due to discharge of phosphorus in the wastewater.
? The wetland-agriculture rotation, has no problem meeting this requirement since it is a complete eco cycle system in itself.
? Smell is not a problem during normal operation, although odours can occur during sludge removal.
• The proposed tariff structures are designed to achieve full cost recovery through revenue obtained from the users and beneficiaries of the wastewater system.
• The local EPB is responsible for conducting monthly site inspections to assure that any environmental mitigation measure proposed in the EIA, as well as other local and national requirements are being implemented.
• The purpose of the interceptor tank is to remove settleable solids before they enter the main low gradient sewer to prevent potential clogging of the sewer line.
? They are designed to take advantage of many of the same processes that occur in natural wetlands, but do so within a more controlled environment.
? Resue of water have many advantages such as reduce in water bill, less depended on singe resource, reduction in pollution due to waste water, reduces load on STP.
? Water resource is developing at a rapid pace all over the world, so the water resources available in a particular area should be protected from pollution and only then it should be used for various purposes.