In the age of cloud computing, cloud users with limited storage can outsource their data to remote servers. These servers, in lieu of monetary benefits, offer retrievability of their clients’ data at any point of time. Secure cloud storage protocols enable a client to check integrity of outsourced data. In this article, we explore the possibili...
 In the age of cloud computing, cloud users with limited storage can outsource their data to remote servers. These servers, in lieu of monetary benefits, offer retrievability of their clients’ data at any point of time. Secure cloud storage protocols enable a client to check integrity of outsourced data. In this article, we explore the possibili...
 The utilization of cloud storage is increasingly prevalent as the field of cloud computing continues to expand. Several cloud data auditing schemes have been proposed within the academic community to guarantee the availability and integrity of cloud data. Nevertheless, several schemes rely on public key infrastructure and identity-based encrypt...
 Offloading computation-intensive tasks (e.g., blockchain consensus processes and data processing tasks) to the edge/cloud is a promising solution for blockchain-empowered mobile edge computing. However, the traditional offloading approaches (e.g., auction-based and game-theory approaches) fail to adjust the policy according to the changing environ...
 Offloading computation-intensive tasks (e.g., block chain agreement cycles and information handling undertakings) to the edge/cloud is a promising answer for block chain-enabled versatile edge figuring. Nonetheless, the conventional offloading approaches (e.g., sell off based and game-hypothesis draws near) neglect to change the strategy as per the...
 During the last decade, distributed ledger solutions such as blockchain have gained significant attention due to their decentralized, immutable, and verifiable features. However, the public availability of data stored on the blockchain and its link to users may raise privacy and security issues. In some cases, addressing these issues requires block...
 The source of major and trace elements has been studied in the Arno river catchments, with repeated sampling of stream sediments in 73 stations within the basin. The study was performed for the inventory, survey, assessment and monitoring of metal pollution, and for geochemical mapping of the most representative elements. Chemical data displayed a ...
 Education plays a vital role in human life. To encourage higher education, the Indian government has taken many initiatives. These include the disbursement of scholarships to financially help the students belonging to low-income families. Central Sector Scheme of Scholarship for College and University Students (CSS) is one such scheme that financia...
 The integration of multi-access edge computing (MEC) and RAFT consensus makes it feasible to deploy blockchain on trustful base stations and gateways to provide efficient and tamper-proof edge data services for Internet of Things (IoT) applications. However, reducing the latency of storing data on blockchain remains a challenge, especially when an ...
 Wireless blockchain network is proposed to enable a decentralized and safe wireless networks for various blockchain applications. To achieve blockchain consensus in wireless network, one of the important steps is to broadcast new block using wireless channel. Under wireless network protocols, the block transmitting will be affected significantly. I...
 This paper presents wChain, a blockchain protocol specifically designed for multihop wireless networks that deeply integrates wireless communication properties and blockchain technologies under the realistic SINR model. We adopt a hierarchical spanner as the communication backbone to address medium contention and achieve fast data aggregation withi...
 The proliferation of IoT devices in society demands a renewed focus on securing the use and maintenance of such systems. IoT-based systems have a significant impact on society and therefore such systems must have guaranteed resilience. We introduce a solution as a protocol that utilizes smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain to enforce a securi...
 With the evolution of the Internet of Things (IoT), smart cities have become the mainstream of urbanization. IoT networks allow distributed smart devices to collect and process data within smart city infrastructure using an open channel, the Internet. Thus, challenges such as centralization, security, privacy (e.g., performing data poisoning and in...
 5G-enabled Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) deployment will bring more severe security and privacy challenges, which puts forward higher requirements for access control. Blockchain-based access control method has become a promising security technology, but it still faces high latency in consensus process and weak adaptability to dynamic changes...
 Blockchain technology has recently witnessed a rapid proliferation across multiple industries and has the potential to evolve as a popular energy transaction platform for grid operators and general users. The current proof-of-work consensus algorithm used by many blockchain protocols suffer from vulnerabilities such as the majority attacks problem ...
 Deploying a mobile edge computing (MEC) server in the mobile blockchain-enabled Internet of things (IoT) system is a promising approach to improve the system performance, however, it imposes a significant challenge on the trust of the MEC server. To address this problem, we first propose an untrusted MEC proof of work (PoW) scheme in mobile blockch...
 In recent years, the Internet of Things (IoT) has been contemplated as the next technological advancement in the era of internet. This paper discloses the architecture of a multilayer, multimode security system for IoT. The proposed system is capable of providing multiple security solutions that support anonymous authentication, device privacy, dat...
 This article analyzes the effectiveness of deploying the Blockchain technology in the implementation of the IoT ecosystem database. To this end, we assess the processing efficiency of transactions originated by smart devices and the storeddata integrity. The processing-efficiency evaluation is carried out through queue-theory-based analytical model...
 In Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), a number of mutually untrusted devices with diverse computing resources and application requirements often need to work together to serve industrial production. When applying permissionless blockchain to process transactions among these devices, we are concerned with two types of fairness: mining fairness (i...
 Blockchain is a safe technology for transaction as it keeps the information safe that it is impossible to change, hack or cheat. blockchain is a digital mode of transaction that is spread across the entire network of computer systems in blockchain. IoT devices allows to send information or useful data in the blockchain to the persons that are inter...
 Mobile edge computing (MEC), extending computing services from cloud to edge, is recognized as one of key pillars to facilitate real-time services and tackle backhaul bottleneck. However, it is not economically efficient to attach intensive security appliances to every MEC node to defend application-level DDoS attacks and ensure the availability of...
 As a rising star of social apps, short video apps, e.g., TikTok, have attracted a large number of mobile users by providing fresh and short video contents that highly match their watching preferences. Meanwhile, the booming growth of short video apps imposes new technical challenges on the existing computation and communication infrastructure. Trad...
 Network storage services have benefited countless users worldwide due to the notable features of convenience, economy and high availability. Since a single service provider is not always reliable enough, more complex multi-cloud storage systems are developed for mitigating the data corruption risk. While a data auditing scheme is still needed in mu...
 In a public blockchain system applying Proof of Work (PoW), the participants need to compete with their computing resources for reward, which is challenging for resource-limited devices. Mobile blockchain is proposed to facilitate the application of blockchain for mobile service, in which the lightweight devices can participate mining by renting re...
 In medical field, previous patients' cases are extremely private as well as intensely valuable to current disease diagnosis. Therefore, how to make full use of precious cases while not leaking out patients' privacy is a leading and promising work especially in future privacy-preserving intelligent medical period. In this paper, we investigate how t...
 Driving behaviors are highly relevant to automotive statuses and on-board safety, which offer compelling shreds of evidence for mobility as a service (MaaS) providers to develop personalized rental prices and insurance products. However, the direct dissemination of driving behaviors may lead to violations of identity and location privacy. In this p...
 A sharded blockchain with the Proof-of-Stake (PoS) consensus protocol has advantages in increasing throughput and reducing energy consumption, enabling the resource-limited participants to manage transactions and in a decentralized way and obtain rewards at a lower cost, e.g., Internet-of-Things (IoT) users. However, the latest PoS (e.g., Casper) r...
 Nowadays, adopting blockchain technology to Internet of Things has become a trend and it is important to minimize energy consumption while providing a high quality of service (QoS) in Blockchain-based IoT networks. Pre-caching popular and fresh IoT content avoids activating sensors frequently, thus effectively reducing network energy consumption. H...
 Current Internet of Things (IoT) infrastructures rely on cloud storage however, relying on a single cloud provider puts limitations on the IoT applications and Service Level Agreement (SLA) requirements. Recently, multiple decentralized storage solutions (e.g., based on blockchains) have entered the market with distinct architecture, Quality of Ser...
 This paper presents a distributed and decentralized architecture for the implementation of Distributed Artificial Intelligence (DAI) using hardware platforms provided by the Internet of Things (IoT). A trained DAI system has been implemented over the IoT, where each IoT device acts as one or more of the neurons within the DAI layers. This is accomp...
 With the booming of smart grid, The ubiquitously deployed smart meters constitutes an energy internet of things. This paper develops a novel blockchain-based transactive energy management system for IoT-aided smart homes. We consider a holistic set of options for smart homes to participate in transactive energy. Smart homes can interact with the gr...
 In this paper, we propose and study an energy-efficient trajectory optimization scheme for unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) assisted Internet of Things (IoT) networks. In such networks, a single UAV is powered by both solar energy and charging stations (CSs), resulting in sustainable communication services, while avoiding energy outage. In particular,...
 In recent years, the Internet of Things (IoT) has made great progress. The interconnection between IoT and the Internet enables real-time information processing and transaction implementation through heterogeneous intelligent devices. But the security, the privacy, and the reliability of IoT are key challenges that limit its development. The featur...
 The interest of Industry 4.0 in Smart Contracts and blockchain technologies is growing up day by day. Smart Contracts have enabled new kinds of interactions whereby contractors can even fully automate processes they agree on. This technology is really appealing in Internet of Things (IoT) domain because smart devices generate events for software ag...
 In contrast to the traditional cloud-based IoT structure, which imposes high computation and storage demands on the central cloud server, edge computing can process data at the network edge. In this paper, we present an edge computing data storage protocol employing the blockchain and the group signature, where the blockchain works as the trusted t...
 Public auditing schemes for cloud storage systems have been extensively explored with the increasing importance of data integrity. A third-party auditor (TPA) is introduced in public auditing schemes to verify the integrity of outsourced data on behalf of users. To resist malicious TPAs, many blockchain-based public verification schemes have been p...
 Network storage services have benefited countless users worldwide due to the notable features of convenience, economy and high availability. Since a single service provider is not always reliable enough, more complex multi-cloud storage systems are developed for mitigating the data corruption risk. While a data auditing scheme is still needed in mu...
 The development of vehicular Internet of Things (IoT) applications, such as E-Transport, Augmented Reality, and Virtual Reality are growing progressively. The mobility aware services and network-based security are fundamental requirements of these applications. However, multiside offloading enabling blockchain and cost-efficient scheduling in heter...
 Cellular vehicle-to-everything (V2X) communication is expected to herald the age of autonomous vehicles in the coming years.With the integration of block chain in such networks, information of all granularity levels, from complete blocks to individual transactions, would be accessible to vehicle sat any time.Specifically, the block chain technology...
  In this era of rapid growth of vehicles, the ratio of road accident increases day by day. Nowadays, Traffic incidents are persistent problems in both developed and developing countries which result in huge loss of life and property. No one in this world is ready to gaze what’s happening around them. Nobody cares even when an accident occurs. This ...
 The combination of pervasive edge computing and block chain technologies opens up significant possibilities for Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) applications, but there are several critical limitations regarding efficient storage and rapid response for large-scale low-delay IIoT scenarios. To address these limitations, we propose a hierarchical...

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