A Block chain-Based Multi-Cloud Storage Data Auditing Scheme to Locate Faults

Abstract : Network storage services have benefited countless users worldwide due to the notable features of convenience, economy and high availability. Since a single service provider is not always reliable enough, more complex multi-cloud storage systems are developed for mitigating the data corruption risk. While a data auditing scheme is still needed in multi-cloud storage to help users confirm the integrity of their outsourced data. Unfortunately, most of the corresponding schemes rely on trusted institutions such as the centralized third-party auditor (TPA) and the cloud service organizer, and it is difficult to identify malicious service providers after service disputes. Therefore, we present a blockchain-based multi-cloud storage data auditing scheme to protect data integrity and accurately arbitrate service disputes. We not only introduce the blockchain to record the interactions among users, service providers, and organizers in data auditing process as evidence, but also employ the smart contract to detect service dispute, so as to enforce the untrusted organizer to honestly identify malicious service providers. We also use the blockchain network and homomorphic verifiable tags to achieve the low-cost batch verification without TPA. Theoretical analyses and experiments reveal that the scheme is effective in multi-cloud environments and the cost is acceptable.
 ? The existing blockchain networks still remain scalability bottlenecks in terms of the number of replicas and limited throughput. ? Although blockchain and CoT have been studied extensively in the literature works, there is no existing work to provide a comprehensive survey on the combination of these important research areas, to our best knowledge. ? However, all existing paradigms still face the main problem related to centralized industrial network and third part-based authority. ? In a nutshell, centralized manufacturing architectures exist limitations with low flexibility, efficiency, and security.
 ? In large distributed systems, identity federation is another choice to overcome security and trust problems across multiple domains, however, it increases the complexity of system design and operation. ? However, cloud computing systems have encountered serious trust and security problems. ? Trust management provides a novel solution to solve security problems in heterogeneous, open, distributed and dynamically changing network environments. ? The natural decentralization feature of blockchain can decentralize the process of trust authentication, thereby overcoming the above problems caused by centralization.
 • The study proposed a cloud-centric IoT framework enabled by smart contracts and blockchain for secure data provenance. • With the current growing interest in the blockchain and CoT, many new integrated BCoT platforms and systems have been proposed in the literature studies to provide security solutions and applications. • Moreover, proposed a cloud federation model which enable distributed resource provisions using an individual cloud under the management of blockchain network. • An access control design based on smart contract is also proposed to implement keyword search in decentralized cloud storage for sharing services.
 ? It designed a blockchain-based bandwidth provision protocol to strengthen end-to-end connectivity, and the performance of the new model was verified by bandwidth occupancy rate, resource availability, and packet loss rate. ? However, it did not elaborate on how to implement the consensus and incentive mechanisms of blockchain, and the performance analysis was only theoretically carried out, without the experimental design. ? In view of the data application security, privacy leakage and trust crisis, as well as the performance bottleneck and single point of failure in the centralized data management center, researchers have proposed many distributed and blockchain-based schemes. ? The performance of the approaches were tested from different perspectives, such as trust/reputation accuracy, effectiveness, efficiency, overhead, system throughput, etc.
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