Sentiment analysis is defined as the process of mining of data, view, review or sentence to predict the emotion of the sentence through natural language processing (NLP). The sentiment analysis involve classification of text into three phase “Positive”, “Negative” or “Neutral”. It analyzes the data and labels the ‘better’ and ‘worse’ sentiment as...
 Nowadays, detecting credit card fraud is a major social issue. Credit card usage on e-commerce and banking websites has quickly expanded in recent years. The usage of credit cards in online transactions has made it simple, but it has also increased the frequency of fraud transactions. Modernization will have both beneficial and negative effects. ...
 Nowadays, detecting credit card fraud is a major social issue. Credit card usage on e-commerce and banking websites has quickly expanded in recent years. The usage of credit cards in online transactions has made it simple, but it has also increased the frequency of fraud transactions. Modernization will have both beneficial and negative effects. ...
 Mobile wallets have emerged as the most significant contributor in pushing cashless and electronic payments. The surge of smartphones and internet connectivity of 4G and 5G is reflected in the robust growth of Mobile-wallets in India. Numerous digital wallet providers have risen. Technological advancement has made everything possible under one to...
  In our day to day life we consume food and our survival is based on mainly food. A considerable amount of our food is coming from farms and other means too. These farmers do their hard work for growing and serving many lives across the country, which pays for their source of income. But due to intermediates in the selling of their final product...
  The Internet by far plays a major role in people’s life. It has drastically improved the quality of life and the standard of living of so many people. It has widened its branches into many different levels and areas. The e-commerce industry is one such branch which has come into spotlight in the recent years. The online bookstore system has eas...
 Machine learning has been increasingly applied in identification of fraudulent transactions. However, most application systems detect duplicitous activities after they have already occurred, not at or near real time. Since spurious transactions are far fewer than the normal ones, the highly imbalanced data makes fraud detection very challenging and...
 In today's technical era, every startup or a company attempt to establish a better sort of communication between their Plants and the users, and for that purpose, they require a type of mechanism which can promote their plant effectively, and here the recommender system serves this motive. It is basically a filtering system that tries to predict an...
 Attendance management is the act of managing attendance or presence in a work setting, which maximizes and motivates employee attendance thereby minimizing loss. Not only does it affect productivity, it can cost the company profits or even additional contracts. For the industrial sector attendance management system can develop alacrity among the wo...
 To overcome the product overload of online shoppers, a variety of recommendation methods have been developed. Recommender systems are being utilized by an ever increasing number of E-commerce sites to help consumers discover products to buy. The most of existing system gives the recommendation based on best selling product, on demographics of the c...
 Privacy-preserving distributed data fusion is a pretreatment process in data mining involving security models. In this paper, we present a method of implementing multiparty data fusion, wherein redundant attributes of a same set of individuals are stored by multiple parties. In particular, the merged data does not suffer from background attacks or ...
 Internet is speeding up and modifying the manner in which daily tasks such as online shopping, paying utility bills, watching new movies, communicating, etc., are accomplished. As an example, in older shopping methods, products were mass produced for a single market and audience but that approach is no longer viable. Markets based on long product a...
 Wireless sensor networks (WSN) are integral part of Industrial Internet of Things (IIOT), the said networks comprise of elements possessing low power processors. WSNs are used for gathering data in the monitoring region, using which vital information about the sensor and the monitoring region can be attained (placement of the sensor node is critica...
 The Internet by far plays a major role in people’s life. It has drastically improved the quality of life and the standard of living of so many people. It has widened its branches into many different levels and areas. The e-commerce industry is one such branch which has come into spotlight in the recent years. The online bookstore system has eased t...
 This paper deals with the design of Internet billing system, in which it is possible pay invoices electronically. This approach is implemented via virtual banks, in which the process of money transfer can be implemented. In other hand many applications can be realize such as; deposit e-money, withdrawal e-money and determine account balance. A Gate...
 Security of electronic transaction over insecure communication channel is a challenging task that includes many critical areas as secure communication channel, strong data encryption technique and trusted third party to maintain the electronic database. The conventional methods of encryption in Secure Electronic Transaction can only maintain the da...
 This paper proposes a model Online Cashless Payment System which is based on Finger print in Aadhaar Card. Unique mark installment framework is utilized for different sorts of instalment framework as opposed to conveying cards and to remember the each card passwords and pin numbers. Todays current big issue in e-payment system is providing security...
 Invoicing and billing application for different business purposes helps mainly the service providers and freelancers to manage, send professional invoices online, and track its status. Generally, all the small companies in Saudi Arabia facing a various issues for managing and tracking the invoice status of customers, which mostly back to the lacks ...
 Today, the number of technological devices such as computers, cell phones, tablets etc. has increased and their usage has become widespread. As a result of frequent use of these technologies depending on situation, these devices have developed even further and became a part of our lives. Development of Internet infrastructure and increase of its us...
 With the rapid development of Internet, e-commerce had been widely using by more and more people, so had shopping online . The J2EE architecture was adopted in this paper. An florist’s shop online system was designed and implemented based on the analysis of the actual needs of users. Through running test for a period of time, the system could be op...
 Using a novel approach with video-recordings of sales interactions, this study focuses on a dynamic analysis of salesperson effectiveness in handling customer queries. We conceptualize salesperson behaviors, namely, resolving, relating, and emoting, as separate elements of customer query handling and empirically identify the distinct verbal and non...
 With the tremendous growth of the Internet and the expansion of the World Wide Web, more and more information is being put on the Internet. The Internet creates a global marketplace that breaks the barrier of time, place and distance, within which conducts Electronic Commerce. E-Comrnerce is a system that includes not only those transactions that c...
 In our day to day life we consume food and our survival is based on mainly food. A considerable amount of our food is coming from farms and other means too. These farmers do their hard work for growing and serving many lives across the country, which pays for their source of income. But due to intermediates in the selling of their final products th...
 B/S structure (Browser/Server) is one hidden client mode after WEB development. This kind of network structure mode unifies WEB browser as the client-side in order to integrate the core part of system function realization to the server. B/S model simplifies system development, maintenance, and usage. The client only needs one Browser under the B/S ...
  Privacy-preserving distributed data fusion is a pretreatment process in data mining involving security models. In this paper, we present a method of implementing multiparty data fusion, wherein redundant attributes of a same set of individuals are stored by multiple parties. In particular, the merged data does not suffer from background attacks...
 In recent years, with the rapid development of cloud computing industry, big data processing technology is also constantly mature. At the same time, the scale of domestic mobile Internet market continues to expand, with more than 500 million users, bringing huge mobile Internet business data. In this context, the method of large-scale network data ...
 Passwords are pervasively used to authenticate users' identities in mobile apps. To secure passwords against attacks, protection is applied to the password authentication protocol (PAP). The implementation of the protection scheme becomes an important factor in protecting PAP against attacks. We focus on two basic protection in Android, i.e., SSL/T...
 In real-world scenarios, a user's interactions with items could be formalized as a behavior sequence, indicating his/her dynamic and evolutionary preferences. To this end, a series of recent efforts in recommender systems aim at improving recommendation performance by considering the sequential information. However, impacts of sequential behavior o...
 Price comparison sites and comparison –shopping engines gives ecommerce traders a good opportunity to boost their sales, attract new customers and go ahead against their competitors. Even Shoppers often look for best deals and offers for a particular product which they are looking for. It is difficult to visit each and every website for comparing t...
 Recommender system algorithms are widely used in e-commerce to provide personalized and more accurate recommendations to online users and enhance the sales and user stickiness of e-commerce. This paper discusses several recommendation algorithms and the challenge of tradition recommender system in big data situation, and then proposes a framework o...
 In WSN network there is Cyber Attack occurs are one of the most common and most dangerous attacks among cybercrimes. The aim of these attacks is to steal the information used by individuals and organizations to conduct transactions. Phishing websites contain various hints among their contents and web browser-based information. The purpose of this s...

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