The on-load tap changing (OLTC) regulators have been widely used in various industry. The main function of OLTC is to change the turns of transformer winding, so that the voltage variations are limited without interrupting the secondary current. In other word the voltage can be regulated with the changer without any supply interruption using ANN co...
 Building Energy Management System (BEMS) has been a substantial topic nowadays due to its importance in reducing energy wastage. However, the performance of one of BEMS applications which is energy consumption prediction has been stagnant due to problems such as low prediction accuracy. Thus, this research aims to address the problems by developing...
 Recently, the restricted Boltzmann machine (RBM) has aroused considerable interest in the multiview learning field. Although effectiveness is observed, like many existing multiview learning models, multiview RBM ignores the local manifold structure of multiview data. In this article, we first propose a novel graph RBM model, which preserves the dat...
 Skin lesion is defined as a superficial growth or patch of the skin that is visually different than its surrounding area. Skin lesions appear for many reasons such as the symptoms indicative of diseases, birthmarks, allergic reactions, and so on. Skin lesions can be generally group into two categories namely primary and secondary skin lesions. Prim...

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