Credit card fraud is currently the most common problem in the modern world. This is because internet transactions and e-commerce sites are on the rise. Credit card fraud occurs when a credit card is stolen and used for unauthorized reasons, or when a fraudster exploits the credit card information for his own interests.
In today's environment, we'...
Deep learning (DL), a branch of machine learning (ML), is the core technology in today’s technological advancements and innovations. Deep learning-based approaches are the state-of-the-art methods used to analyse and detect complex patterns in large datasets, such as credit card transactions.
However, most credit card fraud models in the literatu...
Nowadays, detecting credit card fraud is a major social issue. Credit card usage on e-commerce and banking websites has quickly expanded in recent years. The usage of credit cards in online transactions has made it simple, but it has also increased the frequency of fraud transactions.
Modernization will have both beneficial and negative effects. ...
Credit card fraud detection is a relevant problem that draws attention of machine learning. In the fraud detection task, there are some peculiarities present, such as the unavoidable condition of a strong class imbalance, the existence of unlabelled transaction, and the large number of records that must be processed.
The present paper aims to pro...
The purpose of this project is to detect the fraudulent transactions made by credit cards by the use of machine learning techniques, to stop fraudsters from the unauthorized usage of customers’ accounts.
The increase of credit card fraud is growing rapidly worldwide, which is the reason actions should be taken to stop fraudsters.
Putting a ...
Online transactions have become a significant and crucial aspect of our lives in recent years. It's critical for credit card firms to be able to spot fraudulent credit card transactions so that customers aren't charged for things they didn't buy.
The number of fraudulent transactions is rapidly increasing as the frequency of transactions increa...
: In this paper, we are implementing a credit card fraud detection system, by using big data technologies. Credit card is one of the most divisive products among all the financial tools available.
The usage of credit cards has become common in today’s world and huge volume of transaction happens online. The increase in these transactions has al...
Frauds in credit card transactions are common today as most of us are using the credit card payment methods more frequently. This is due to the advancement of Technology and increase in online transaction resulting in frauds causing huge financial loss.
Therefore, there is need for effective methods to reduce the loss. In addition, fraudsters f...
Internet banking is now becoming the most commonly used form of banking transactions. Confidentiality can be compromised in the process of electronic purchases.
We therefore introduced a new approach to prevent theft during online transactions in order to protect information through a two-step mechanism of authentication.
The primary step o...
The usage of credit cards for online and regular purchases is exponentially increasing and so is the fraud related with it. A large number of fraud transactions are made every day. Various modern techniques like artificial neural network Different machine learning algorithms are compared, including Logistic Regression, Decision Trees, Random Forest...
The use of credit cards is prevalent in modern day society. But it is obvious that the number of credit card fraud cases is constantly increasing in spite of the chip cards worldwide integration and existing protection systems. This is why the problem of fraud detection is very important now. In this paper the general description of the developed f...