In today’s scenario, there are risks at every moment of our life. People rambling around are found insecure, especially at remote outdoor locations where there are no rescue services provided. One of these scenarios is an aquatic environment such as waterfalls, lakes, trekking, remote locations, water parks, swimming pools, beaches, etc. Many lives are at risks in spite of lifeguard resources. Therefore, to get rid of life’s endangering situations at such scenarios there must be the wearable device which sends the immediate signal to the lifeguards to provide rescue service to the individuals in danger. Such a wearable device is a need for such scenarios. According to this context, the following review is undertaken.


? In particular, the issues of Inter-BANs coexistence and interoperability were very little addressed. ? The use of temperature and pulse rate sensors to automatically identify the possibility of an emergency and alert family and friends through a mobile app. ? The three sensors for the automatic mechanism, namely pressure, temperature, and pulse rate sensors, along with the other hardware needed, such as GPS, GSM, which are all present inside the model.


? A limitation of this equipment is that if too many swimmers, occlusion problem will appear. This system needs constant observation, expensive installation costs which are the main disadvantage. ? To circumvent these drawbacks, the proposed system is based on a network of highly mounted overhead cameras. ? That large-scale disasters might be caused by a combination of either natural, man-made or unexpected factors, and their negative impact on the human being is amplified due to the increased population densities in cities, public areas or buildings.


• The proposed system connects deployed rescuers to extended networks and the Internet. CROW2 is an end-to-end system that runs the recently-proposed Optimized Routing Approach for Critical and Emergency Networks (ORACE-Net) routing protocol. • These proposed systems seem to solve the connectivity issues on-the-field between rescuers and trapped survivors. • Using sensors not only for worst case scenarios as the actual accident, but also for monitoring health and fitness, as heart rate monitors do, may be another incentive for users to upgrade their devices.


? As this system is based on health monitoring sensors, this has an advantage of convenience, lifesaving and real time. Sensors usually have different features (e.g. location), the performance is variable when putting different sensors into the common time slots. ? If the combination of sensor pairs is carefully designed, the performance of CM mode could be much better than the schemes totally separating BANs on time domain. ? These models are a key requirement for the accurate and realistic performance evaluation of high level MAC/Networking protocols in the specific context of mixed On-Body and B2B communications.

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