Vehicle anti-theft monitoring and controlling system especially useful for mining appliances inreal-time has been reported in this paper. The system principally monitors vehicle moving and tracking appliances such as position, and speed and subsequent detection. The novelty of this system is the implementation of vehicles internal and external parameter in different ways. The developed system is a low-cost and flexible in operation like mines and thus can avoid collision and traffic jam. The prototype has been extensively tested in real-life situations and experimental results are very encouraging for drivers and proprietors. A lot of vehicle theft occur and accident due to over speed can be controlled. GPS is increasingly being used in vehicle tracking and monitoring services. To resolve the problems like avoid speed and collision, pic microcontroller based vehicle monitoring and controlling is implemented as well providing information for the vehicle owner.
Cumbersome and fixed mathematical models are abandoned in fuzzy control method. It is an artificial intelligent control method for imitating human thinking, understanding and deduction mode to certain degree. Human knowledge, common sense, etc. are well expressed by natural language form so that input and output process model can be perfectly processed by computer. Various traffic conditions are handled and responded by the same method according to previous experience of obtaining traffic police command.
Various traffic conditions are handled and responded by the same method according to previous experience of obtaining traffic police command
we describe our proposed architecture. First, we explain how agents work together, followed by a diagram of message passing of agents in our system. Then we explain the details of genetic algorithm used in our proposed method. When a bus is placed in the route of the bus, gets the station table from route agent. When the bus agent reaches to every bus stations, a message including its name and the bus station ID sends to the route agent
we simulated our proposed system using five agents are designed as follows:
• Sensor agent
• Intersection agent
• Route agent
• Bus agent
• Supervisor agent