Grass cutter machines have become very popular today. Most of the times grass cutter machines are used for soft grass furnishing. In a time where technology is merging with environmental awareness, consumers are looking for ways to contribute to the relief of their own carbon footprints. Pollution is man-made and can be seen in our own daily lives, more specifically in our own homes. Herein, we propose a model of the automatic grass cutting machine powered through solar energy, (nonrenewable energy). Automatic grass cutting machine is a machine which is going to perform the grass cutting operation on its own. This model reduces both environment and noise pollution. Our new design for an old and outdated habit will help both customer and the environment. This project of a solar powered automatic grass cutter will relieve the consumer from mowing their own lawns and will reduce both environmental and noise pollution. This design is meant to be an alternate green option to the popular and environmentally hazardous fuel powered lawn mower. Ultimately, the consumer will be doing more for the environment while doing less work in their daily lives. The hope is to keep working on this project until a suitable design can be implemented and then be ultimately placed on the market.


A normal grass cutter moving with IC engine will run based on the energy from petrol. The major drawbacks of this technology are high running cost; create noise pollution and air pollution. Also, an IC engine requires periodic maintenance such as changing the engine oil, mechanical maintenance. It is an innovative technology of cutting grass without any pollution, electric solar grass cutter are environmentally friendly. Nowadays, the labor charge is increased day by day. This technology can help the people who are living in rural areas. This project is mainly proposal for reduce the manpower and usage of electricity. Nowadays pollution is a major issue for whole world. Pollution is manmade and can be seen in own homes. Due to the emission of gases it is responsible for pollution. Also the cost of fuel is increasing hence it is not efficient. So the Solar grass cutter is introduced. Solar grass cutter can be described as the application of solar energy to power an electric motor which in turn rotates a blade which does the moving of a cutter. Solar energy is the renewable energy. Grass cutter with a standard motor is an inconvenience, and no one takes pleasure in it. Cutting grass cannot be easily accomplished by elderly, younger, or disabled people. It creates noise pollution due to the loud engine, and local air pollution due to the combustion in the engine. Also, a motor powered engine requires periodic maintenance such as changing the engine oil. Even though electric grass cutter are environmentally friendly.


Even though electric solar grass is environmentally friendly, they too can be an inconvenience. Along with motor grass cutter, electric grass cutters are also hazardous and cannot be easily used by all. Solar grass cutter hence we design to make a grass cutter without any power source due to reduce the power consumption. Design a solar grass cutter that utilizes solar power as an energy source is meant to address a number of issues that standard internal combustion engine cutter do not. An electric grass cutter with a solar charger will be easier to use.


Solar grass cutter is a automated grass cutting robotic vehicle powered by solar energy that also avoids obstacles and is capable of grass cutting without the need of any human interaction. The system uses 12V batteries to power the vehicle movement motors as well as the grass cutter motor. We also use a solar panel to charge the battery so that there is no need of charging it externally. The grass cutter and vehicle motors are interfaced to an PIC microcontroller that controls the working of all the motors. It is also interfaced to an Ultra sonic sensor for object detection. The PIC microcontroller moves the vehicle motors in forward direction in case no obstacle is detected. On obstacle detection, ultra sonic sensor monitors it and the microcontroller thus stops the grass cuter motor so as to avoid any damage to the object/animal. Then PIC microcontroller turns the robotic vehicle offuntil it gets clear of the object and then moves the grass cutter in forward direction again.


The stator is the stationary part of the motor this includes the motor casing, as well as two or more permanent magnet pole pieces. The rotors together with the axle and attached commutator rotate with respect to the stator. The rotor consists of windings generally on a core, the windings being electrically connected to the commutator. The above diagram shows a common motor layout with the rotor inside the stator field magnets.

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