Abstract : Software testing is an integral part of software development process. Software testing is analyzing a system or a component by providing defined inputs and comparing them with the desired outputs to check the discrepancies between the desired and actual outputs and correct them. Basically software testing can be divided into two categories. • Manual testing • Automated software testing Manual software testing is as the name suggests done manually that is it requires human input, analysis and evaluation. Automated software testing is the automated version of manual software testing.
 Manual Testing - Test case only needs to runs once or twice. - To execute and Create the test cases every time tester required same amount of time. - Manual testing is slower. - It’s very time consuming.  Desktop based - Can’t be accessed without installing anything. - Can’t be managed and updated by IT more easily. - Can’t be accessed with a mobile device. - Can’t be accessed across multiple operating systems.
 • Manual testing can be very time consuming • For same release, we may need to run same test cases which can be sometimes tiring; this process can be automated with automation tools. • Manual testing have high risk of error and mistakes as it is done manually by testers • It is not possible to test the entire module manually.
 SOURCE – QD804 SERIES VIDEO GENERATORS The QA804 series Instruments Feature four HDMI Outputs . Multiple HDMI inputs. DEVICE UNDER TEST (DUT) ADV7623 ADV7623 is a high Performance 4 input, 1 output. HDMI Transceiver that integrates HDMI receiver. ANALYSER - VA1809 VA1809 is Protocol Analyzer used to Inspect/Measure Various HDMI Signal Function.
 To guarantee completeness of testing, the tester often follows a written test plan that leads them through a set of important test cases.Manual testing is a testing process that is carried out manually in order to find defects without the usage of tools or automation scripting

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