IoT based Fingerprint Voting System



Biometric Fingerprint systems are used in the Voting machine for voter confirmation. fingerprint voting machine is designed where there is no need for the user to carry his ID which contains his essential details, so that the controller fetches the data from the fingerprint module and then compares it with already registered fingerprints of the voters. If this data matches then the person is allowed to cast is vote if not then the person is barred from polling his vote. By using push buttons voting will be done, the message regarding polling booth location and serial number information send to mobile numbers before a day of voting by using GSM module.MIT application is used for outside voters this is easier application to build electronic projects. Results are displayed in LCD as well as in think speak IOT platform as a graph according to the applications think speak is open source IOT platform Is used to save and store data. To connect this server esp2866 Wi-Fi module is used.


In the existing system, the election process was preceding like cast the vote by showing the voter ID card at the polling booth and by pressing the button against the party symbol. But in that there is chance of rigging. So, to avoid this we are incorporating the embedded systems into the election system by registering the fingerprints of every voter before election.


? Many physically challenged people have complained that the touch base screen is not efficient enough to capture the vote accurately. Sometimes it leads to the voter ending up voting for someone else unintentionally. ? Although it takes the time to count votes that were captured using paper ballot but people fully trust the process as high technology are also vulnerable to hackers attack. ? The biggest change with technology is that no matter how much data it records but a single virus can destroy the entire data storage. ? The electronic voting machines which were used during the elections are susceptible to damage which will result in loss of data.


In the proposed system, we are incorporating the fingerprint module and by using this system, before election we are going to register the fingerprint of the every voter and at the time of voting one must show his finger at the fingerprint module to cast his vote. Since finger print was unique for every person and there is no chance of rigging and once the fingerprint was matched then only the person can able to cast his vote.


? No manual errors ? No false voting ? Need not to remember any password ? Need not to carry any card

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