Remote control and instrumentation of Android devices
This paper presents the extensions added to the measurement and monitoring tool TestelDroid, to support remote control and instrumentation of Android devices. The extensions include support for Standard Commands for Programmable Instruments (SCPI), cOntrol and Management Framework (OMF) and OMF Measurement Library (OML). SCPI is the most widespread interface for measurement equipment control in many areas, for example, electronics or telecommunications. On the other hand, the support of technologies like OMF and OML provides powerful orchestration framework languages which reduces the time required to define experiments.
? It is an effective method when large blocks of the same color exist, like in patterns.
? The features served by the ADB system are implemented and tested and can access to system resources, on the other hand the possibility of extending the existent features can be increaded using local sockets.
? Android Debug Bridge Client is a tool existent in the Android SDK that allows to the developer to exchange data and requests with an Android device.
? These features can be adapted to be used inside a remote client.
? There was a problem with the control of the front axle which was constructed through a system of gears.
? This requirement is conditioned by the problems in the transfer of information, and therefore requires manage resources efficiently.
? The limiting factor of bandwidth is a problem due to the amount of that that is sent, above all because of the latency in the network.
? This is a problem, because remote interaction does not advance with the new devices.
? However, it has a problem of performance due to lack of efficient communication middleware, thus penalizing sync speed.
• The main idea behind the proposed architecture was the design of a system to be used as a platform which provides the services needed to perform remote control of mobile devices.
• Design and realization of the mobile application for the Android operating system and mobile robot was realised for the purpose of engineering education.
• Wi-Fi has also a greater reach, but for the purpose of this work it was not important.
• The prototype generated as implementation of the proposed architecture will be provided also as free software.
? When the Android device is connected to Internet, a voice commands can be used in the mobile application to control the robot.
? On the Android side has to be available an application with interface to be used by the user to send commands to the robot.
? The App Inventor development environment was used to develop a mobile application to remotely control the robot which is built from Lego Mind storms NXT kit.
? This purpose was used function get Display Resolution, in which is used get Size method, which returns the display size in pixels.
? The display resolution is stored in the format width x height and then used to determine the centre and for display of trackball.