LPG Gas Weight and Leakage Detection System Using GSM
In this paper, we proposed an LPG Gas Weight and Leakage Detection System Using GSM .This is useful in various applications in homes and hotels. Many times it happens that because of the rush or due to the shortage of cylinder, there is a delay in providing the gas cylinder. Main reason behind this is delay in informing to the gas provider or we inform the gas provider at the last moment when the gas cylinder is empty. So the use of first low priority SMS is the user gets intimation about the weight of the gas. So the user can book a new gas cylinder. It avoids the problematic situation caused due to unavailability of gas cylinder. Sometimes the leakage of the LPG gas is not detected by person due to low séance of smell so in this project we use the gas sensor for leakage detection. In this project whenever there is LPG gas leakage is occurred then buzzer is ON. This project avoids the accident which is caused due to leakage of LPG gas.
? The LPG is considered as the most inflammable gases that can ignite fires even in the far distances where gas leak exists.
? This gases are mostly used on large scale in industry, heating, home appliances and motor fuel. In this project we work on various home appliances like gas leakage, temperature, etc.
? The LPG and natural gas are inflammable gases they burn easily, cleanly and does not have any effect on environment.
? It is an open source computer hardware & software & software company project & user community that designs & manufactures single-board microcontrollers & microcontroller kit.
? While this GSM modems are most frequently used to provide mobile internet, internet connectivity many of them can also be used for sending & receiving SMS.
? The matter was proposed to be vice versa with the elimination of the gas leak problem.
? The impact of the LPG on human being is extremely considerable and it can cause burns over the skin, long sleep, annoyed breathing, etc.
? The system applies triple impact authority on the corresponding location due to the dependency on tripartite precautions specified by turning both air puller alongside with the buzzer ON and sending an SMS to a certain phone number.
? Whereas in industrial system it also make difficult for the labors to keep the track of every second so to work on this problem, the system is develop which will keep the track on various home appliances such as LPG gas cylinder, wired circuit, etc.
• The module reads the gas sensor in a proposed environment to discover whether gas concentration exceeds a specified range.
• The proposed GSM module works ordinarily with external input voltage around classifying the whole unit as the most compatible modems with the friendly microcontrollers such as Programmable Integrated Circuit (PIC), Arduino and Raspberry Pi.
• Moreover, the cost limitation of the proposed sensor is assigned to be appropriate for numerous applications.
• The whole system is proposed to be home-used application under the supervision of the microcontroller with respect to MQ – 2 gas sensor.
? The term GSM is the abbreviation given to the global system for mobile communications that is the international station to manage the data transfer processes efficiently.
? The system is highly reliable, tamper-proof and secure. In the long run the maintenance cost is efficient. It is highly accurate.
? It is tool for control the project or give the instruction to the circuit or project.
? Arduino UNO is very easy to use & it is cost efficient & easily available in the market.
? The simple c programing language is used & very easy to implement the program like just connect the arduino to computer using connector cable & implement the program.