Android Based Women Tracking System Using GPS and GSM
In recent times, role of women in all industries have increased. Simultaneously, crime against women is also increasing day by day and this is the high time to provide safety for all working women. This paper focuses on women tracking system for all working women. There is no powerful existing system to prevent the crime rates against women. This system gives information about a woman or a victim who has low assurance about their safety to their respective family and the place where they work, which have to be more concerned about their women workers. This system includes the victim module and two receiver modules for getting information about the missed women. This arrangement includes Microcontroller, Global Positioning System (GPS), and Global Arrangement for Mobile communication (GSM), and the receiver module that includes a Android mobile mechanism of the victim’s relations and a monitoring database in the manipulation room of the corresponding association or workplace. Finally, implementation aftermath for the counseled arrangement are endowed in this paper.
? There is a rising needs for pursuing mechanisms, that can be a existence saving devices. Across eras of low assurance, people can use these arrangements to retain trail of victims.
? There are some apps named “tell tail”,” women security”,” security alert app” and many all these require internet connection to trace the location by using GPS.
? These are available to the educated women and only in android mobiles.
? The women may not get much time to unlock her mobile, open the app and press the SOS button. so they have many drawbacks.
? To help resolve this issue we propose a GPS based women’s safety system that has dual security feature.
? The proposed system consists of a dual alerts that is buzzer and message is sent through GSM. This system can be turned on by a woman in case she even thinks she would be in trouble.
? Our main aim of this project is to design asystem which is very easy to handle and provide personal security system.
? This design will deal with most of the critical issues faced by women and will help them to be secure.
? By using this system we can reduce the crime rate against the women. Women’s security is a critical issue in current situation.
• The progress of the working women pursuing arrangement will be described in detail in this section.
• The three main components of the arrangements are the GPS receiver module, GSM module and microcontroller.
• The receiver module's main purpose is to attain the victim's coordinates.
• These coordinates are periodically (user selectable) dispatched to the microcontroller.
• The microprocessor procedures this information and will next dispatch the locale data to the GSM to be sent across the mobile network to the user after demanded on a non- periodic basis.
? It also consists of operation support subsystem which provides operation maintenance center and they are used to observe and maintain the performance of each mobile system,BSS and BSCs.
? It has to maintain all telecommunication hardware and network operations with a particular market.
? This system is not also used for women safety bus also for children because it is very easy to use since the children only need to press the button.
? The power supply is the major component of our system which is used to provide supply to the whole system by converting one form energy to another form.Here we uses a 9v battery to supply power to RFID encoder.