A Real-Time Embedded System for Monitoring of Cargo Vehicles, Using Controller Area Network (CAN)
This paper presents the creation of a CAN network for monitoring parameters route of cargo vehicles. By decree of law, all cargo vehicles must contain tachograph device that collects and records all information practiced during the trip, such as speed, distance, RPM (rotations per minute), among other parameters. The data provided by the tachograph are sent to the CAN network, collected and interpreted by the microcontroller and sent to the monitoring station by serial communication by the receiver. Thus, the central monitoring company will quickly follow the route of its drivers, and the characteristics of travel practiced by them.
? Existing higher-layer protocols are often tuned to a certain application domain.
? Device profiles exist for the most common devices in industrial automation, such as digital and analog I/O components, encoders, and controllers.
? It is built on top of the traditional event-triggered CAN protocol and enables existing CAN nodes to work in parallel with TTCAN nodes.
? The lack of existing standardization has generated research projects to standardize diagnostics and measurement systems, description languages, and software platforms.
? There exist interfaces to the operating system for real-time control, but there also exist interfaces to other software modules.
? A major research problem is to develop techniques and tools to bridge the gap between functional requirements and the final design.
? This operation eliminates the problem of a node receiving two simultaneous but conflicting commands. It also eliminates the problem of two nodes sending the same CAN id.
? The spacecraft controller issues polling commands over the CAN to the corresponding sensors, including the gyros and the sun sensors.
? A lack of low-cost and standardized protocols suitable for real-time control systems.
? This systematic approach enables interoperability between products from different manufacturers.
• The main purpose of SMART-1 is to demonstrate the use of solar-electric propulsion in a low-thrust transfer from earth orbit into lunar orbit.
• The main purpose is to provide estimates of the attitude for short periods when the star tracker is not able to deliver the attitude, for example, due to blinding of the sensor camera heads.
• The control algorithms of the attitude and orbit control system reside in the spacecraft controllers of the control architecture depicted.
• This undertaking presents the formation of a CAN arrange for checking parameters course of freight vehicles.
• In this way, the focal observing organization will rapidly take after the course of its drivers, and the qualities of travel rehearsed by them.
? While being small and low-power, ARM processors provide steep performance for embedded applications.
? The networks connected through a gateway or a bridge are disconnected in terms of their real-time behavior, so obviously the timing and performance of the complex inter-connected network can be hard to predict even if the individual networks are predictable.
? The control systems are increasingly being implemented in distributed computer systems and require a multitude of competences to be developed and integrated to meet quality requirements in a cost-efficient way.
? The technological concepts used for by-wire systems in airplanes are not necessarily cost efficient for the automotive industry.