Energy-Efficient Intelligent Street Lighting System Using Traffic-Adaptive Control



Lighting, both indoor and outdoor, consumes a substantial amount of energy, making improved efficiency a significant challenge. A promising approach to address outdoor lighting is the smart control of public lighting. Smart lighting using electronically controlled light-emitting diode (LED) lights for adaptable illumination and monitoring is being used to achieve an energy efficient system. However, the traffic engineering integrated with smart control for energy optimization has not been widely used. In this paper, a novel concept of traffic-flow-based smart (LED) street lighting for energy optimization is proposed. The developed smart grid architecture-based system uses low power ZigBee mesh network to provide maximum energy efficiency in response to adaptive traffic on the road. Moreover, the scalable wireless network of smart LED lights offers improved reliability, reduced cost, and more user satisfaction. In order to validate the performance, the proposed system was implemented and tested in a real environment inside a university campus. Experimental results show that in comparison with the replaced conventional metal halide lighting, our system is capable of 68%-82% energy savings depending on the variations in daylight hours between summer and winter. A significant reduction in greenhouse gases, improved overall system reliability, and reduced maintenance due to smart control suggests promising results for future wide-area deployment.


? The existing HPS street lamps have been upgraded to LED technology. After the upgrading, a new data collection campaign aimed at comparing the consumptions before and after the LED lamps substitution, has been undertaken. ? The existing practice leads to a lot of inconvenience & power wastage for the street lighting system. ? Active street lighting has emerged as an essential factor in strategies for a resource-efficient economy and realization of sustainable growth. ? In the outdoor area, lights represent approximately 40 % of the total energy consumption at night and have much energy saving potential.


? The main motto of this system is to save the energy by controlling and monitoring light status, temperature of lights and power consumed by each street lights. ? The divide and conquer strategy works by recursively breaking down a problem into two or more sub-problems of the same or related type, until these become simple enough to be solved directly. ? Both issues are addressed here by designing automatic as well as adaptive method of street light control. ? Many municipalities were forced to reduce or switch off street lighting at night due to financial problems. Conventional lighting shutdown has a negative impact on many areas of society.


• The proposed smart infrastructure can be viewed as the basis of a wider technological architecture aimed at offering value-added services for sustainable cities. • These aspects have been widely dealt with in many studies where various, from simple to more elaborated, brightness reductions strategies have been proposed. • The proposed smart infrastructure can be viewed as the basis of a wider technological architecture aimed at offering services (e.g., energy management, environmental monitoring, traffic monitoring and management, decision process support, etc.) for sustainable cities. • In particular, this table compares the energy saving achieved by the proposed smart lighting system w.r.t. the standard lighting system and the LED lighting system.


? In the system, different sensors and actuators are associated with luminaries to monitor and control the luminary for its performance and its surroundings for adaptive control through the wireless network. ? The street lights are switched on even when the sunlight is there, and in the rainy season or when fog is detected, we often come across the situation that street lights remain switched off due to that lots of energy is wasted, the proposed system fails to provide the energy efficient system. ? The energy efficient smart street lighting, the combination of LED and wifi module offers adaptable dimming in accordance with ambient conditions, occupancy control and automatic fault detection.

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