Probeware for the Modern Era IoT Dataflow System Design for Secondary Classrooms



Sensor systems have the potential to make abstract science phenomena concrete for K–12 students. Internet of Things (IoT) sensor systems provide a variety of benefits for modern classrooms, creating the opportunity for global data production, orienting learners to the opportunities and drawbacks of distributed sensor and control systems, and reducing classroom hardware burden by allowing many students to “listen” to the same data stream. To date, few robust IoT classroom systems have emerged, partially due to lack of appropriate curriculum and student-accessible interfaces, and partially due to lack of classroom-compliant server technology. In this article, we present an architecture and sensor kit system that addresses issues of sensor ubiquity, acquisition clarity, data transparency, reliability, and security. The system has a dataflow programming interface to support both science practices and computational data practices, exposing the movement of data through programs and data files. The IoT Dataflow System supports authentic uses of computational tools for data production through this distributed cloud-based system, overcoming a variety of implementation challenges specific to making programs run for arbitrary duration on a variety of sensors. In practice, this system provides a number of unique yet unexplored educational opportunities. Early results show promise for Dataflow as a valuable learning technology from research conducted in a high school classroom.


? Security technology must often be wrapped around an existing set of legacy systems that are difficult to change. ? It also reviews existing standards and governance principles to develop a successful security governance model for businesses. ? Threats exist regardless of the security measures employed to mitigate the risks of an attack. ? In real-world deployments, security measures are all about managing risks while acknowledging the existence of threats. ? In the case of zeroday vulnerabilities, an exploit already exists and can be easily proliferated through the internet or corporate networks to create a snowball effect.


? The problem is exacerbated when thousands to millions of small sensors in self-organising wireless networks become the sources of the data stream. ? We have broadly divided the IoT architecture into several layers to define properties, security issues and related works to solve the security concerns. ? By focusing current research trend, we have given the data flow between the layers including research issues in IoT generated big data architecture. ? The compatibility issue among the heterogeneous things must be addressed for the interactions among things.


• We propose algorithms for merging a submitted streaming dataflow with deployed dataflows at specific points of equivalence, and similarly, unmerging a merged dataflow when it is removed, while guaranteeing their output stream consistency, in §. • Similar algorithms to unmerge dataflows when they are removed are also proposed. • We develop a Reusable Dataflow Manager that offers a generic implementation of the merge and unmerge algorithms proposed above, with bindings to an external DSPS to enact the dataflows and coordinate their reuse. • We propose to examine the impact on DAG latency due to the indirection through the broker.


? IoT is a widely-used expression but still a fuzzy one, due to the large number of concepts brought together to a concept. ? Security verification should not degrade the performance of stream processing engine (SPE). i.e. security verification speed should synchronize with SPE. ? This brings the challenge to supply power to sensors; high energy efficiency allows sensors to work for a longer period. ? IoT should have these two important properties: energy efficiency and protocols. ? Some of these data streams are analysed and used in very critical applications (e.g. surveillance data, military applications, etc.), where data streams need to be secured to detect malicious activities.

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