large-scale distributed training of deep neural networks results in models with worse generalization performance as a result of the increase in the effective mini-batch size. previous approaches attempt to address this problem by varying the learning rate and batch size over epochs and layers, or ad hoc modifications of batch normalization we propo...
 large-scale distributed training of deep neural networks results in models with worse generalization performance as a result of the increase in the effective mini-batch size. previous approaches attempt to address this problem by varying the learning rate and batch size over epochs and layers, or ad hoc modifications of batch normalization we propo...
 The prosperity of Internet of Things (IoT) brings forth the deployment of large-scale sensing systems such as smart cities. The distributed devices upload their local sensing data to the cloud and collaborate to fulfill the large-area tasks such as pollutant diffusion analysis and target tracking. To accomplish the collaboration, time synchronizati...
 Current Internet of Things (IoT) infrastructures rely on cloud storage however, relying on a single cloud provider puts limitations on the IoT applications and Service Level Agreement (SLA) requirements. Recently, multiple decentralized storage solutions (e.g., based on blockchains) have entered the market with distinct architecture, Quality of Ser...
  The state estimation algorithm estimates the values of the state variables based on the measurement model described as the system of equations. Prior to applying the state estimation algorithm, the existence and uniqueness of the solution of the underlying system of equations is determined through the observability analysis. If a unique solutio...
  Large blackouts in power grids are often the consequence of uncontrolled failure cascades. The ability to predict the failure cascade process in an efficient and accurate manner is important for power system contingency analysis. In this paper, we propose to apply the influence model for the prediction and screening of failure cascades in large...
  Large blackouts in power grids are often the consequence of uncontrolled failure cascades. The ability to predict the failure cascade process in an efficient and accurate manner is important for power system contingency analysis. In this paper, we propose to apply the influence model for the prediction and screening of failure cascades in large...
 Fault tolerance is a major concern to guarantee availability and reliability of critical services as well as application execution. In order to minimize failure impact on the system and application execution, failures should be anticipated and proactively handled. Fault tolerance techniques are used to predict these failures and take an appropriate...
 The combination of pervasive edge computing and block chain technologies opens up significant possibilities for Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) applications, but there are several critical limitations regarding efficient storage and rapid response for large-scale low-delay IIoT scenarios. To address these limitations, we propose a hierarchical...

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