Online Food Ordering System using PHP

Abstract : The purpose of Online Food Ordering System is to automate the existing manual system by the help of computerized equipment’s and full-fledged computer software, fulfilling their requirements, so that their valuable data/information can be stored for a longer period with easy accessing and manipulation of the same. The required software and hardware are easily available and easy to work with. The Online Food Ordering System's main purpose is to maintain track of information such as Item Category, Food, Delivery Address, Order, and Shopping Cart. It keeps track of information about the Item Category, the Customer, the Shopping Cart, and the Item Category. Only the administrator gets access to the project because it is totally built at the administrative level. The project's purpose is to develop software that will cut down on the time spent manually managing Item Category, Food, Customer, and Delivery Address. It saves the Delivery Address, Order, and Shopping Cart information.
 The existing system is inconvenient for customer needing to have a physical copy of the menu, its time consuming, there is lack of visual confirmation that the order was placed correctly or not, Restaurants have to have an employee answering the phone and taking orders all the time which increases manual work and paper work. And there is also a huge difficulty in tracking customers past history and lack of data security. The current System of a company is very ancient and need to be replacing as companies business is expanding. One of the biggest disadvantages of the current system is that lacking of computerized food order each time a customer need to order food he has to wait for the waiter to take their order and then give to the chef who will be preparing our food. So this process is very time consuming and very ancient. there also situations where the customers mixes the order and gives food of one customer to another and there are also situations where customer forgets to take the order and even after taking the order he forgets to supply food on time.
 Performance Issues: Scalability: PHP might struggle with performance and scalability issues if not optimized correctly. As the number of users and orders increases, handling large volumes of data and traffic can become challenging. Server Load: PHP applications can be resource-intensive, especially if not properly optimized or if they use synchronous processing. Security Concerns: Vulnerabilities: PHP applications are often targeted by attackers due to common vulnerabilities like SQL injection, cross-site scripting (XSS), and cross-site request forgery (CSRF). Proper security practices need to be followed to mitigate these risks. Maintenance: Keeping up with security patches and updates for PHP and related libraries is crucial but can be cumbersome.
 It greatly simplifies the ordering process for both customer and restaurant. This online application enables the end users to register online, select the food from the e-menu card, read the E-menu card and order food online by just selecting the food that the user want to have. The results after selecting the food from the E-menu card will directly appear in the screen. By using this application the work of the Waiter is reduced and we can also say that the work is nullified. The benefit of this is that if there is rush in the Restaurant then there will be chances that the waiters will be unavailable and the users can directly order the food to the chef online by using this application. The user will be given a username and a password, by sing that every time a user logs in. This implies that the customer is the regular user of the Restaurant.
 Ease of Learning and Use: Accessibility: PHP is relatively easy to learn, especially for beginners. Its syntax is straightforward, and many developers are familiar with it. Extensive Documentation: PHP has extensive documentation and a large community, making it easier to find resources and support. Cost-Effectiveness: Open Source: PHP is open-source and free to use, which reduces development costs compared to proprietary technologies. Wide Hosting Support: PHP is widely supported by various hosting providers, often included in shared hosting plans, making it cost-effective to deploy.
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