Help Line is a voluntary and non-governmental organization. It maintains online library of blood donors in India. Sometimes Doctors and Blood bank project have to face the difficulty in finding the blood group Donors at right time. Help Line has attempted to provide the answer by taking upon itself the task of collecting Blood bank project nation...
 Organ donation as we all know is a good cause and can save many lives but in a developing country like India it is still not that popular. Although, the rate of donation has been increasing from the past few years but it is still not enough as only 0.01% of people donate their organs after death. The main reason is lack of awareness and this androi...
 This paper gives detailed report on the application available for tracking blood donor and organ donors which helps to assist between blood donors and necessitous people. It facilitates the search process for necessitous people and it will be effortless before. With development in healthcare services Organ transplantation is increasing in demand so...
 THE INCOMPATIBLE blood transfusion remains a great danger in hemotherapy. It perhaps is most hazardous to the patient when it involves his receiving incompatible red blood cells. Pain, shock, chills, fever, and renal failure with acute tubular necrosis, abnormal bleeding due to disseminated intravascular coagulation, and death can result. Modern bl...

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