The electronic voting system (E-voting System) is a web-based application that enables voters to record safe and confidential votes electronically. This research aims to develop an E-Voting System by exploiting the ‘reCAPTCHA’ security component for a private international college. The Waterfall Model is deemed the most suitable to be used after ...
 A smart voting system using face recognition is a technique to overcome the traditional voting and EVM i.e Electronic Voting Machines. The system uses an Androidbased application to cast their votes from anywhere in the world. The face recognition technology increase the accuracy and security of the voting process. The proposed system would work ...
 Election is a process of selecting the right candidate to rule our nation. The voting system in India is insecure, because voters need to stand in a queue for a long time and the only security check is voter ID verification, which are fake nowadays. To overcome this we are introducing Online voting system which provides security, authentication, ac...
 The project is mainly aimed at providing a secured and user friendly Online Voting System. The problem of voting is still critical in terms of safety and security. This system deals with the design and development of a webbased voting system using fingerprint and aadhaar card in order to provide a high performance with high security to the voting s...
 Due to their tight schedule nobody is going to the polls these days. There are numerous causes, some need to go to the polls, many of us may have to wait for long periods because of their strict schedules. So we created a voting system on the Internet. But there are some disadvantages to this system. Attackers legally receive customer passwords and...
 The Election Schedule for the conduct of General Elections as well as for the by-elections, as the case may be, is decided by the Chief Election Commissioner in Pakistan. The current system is being operated manually. Votes are polled manually. All the record of voters, candidates, polling stations, regions detail and parties’ information are store...

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