Semi supervised Affinity Matrix Learning via Dual-Channel Information Recovery



This article explores the problem of semisupervised affinity matrix learning, that is, learning an affinity matrix of data samples under the supervision of a small number of pairwise constraints (PCs). By observing that both the matrix encoding PCs, called pairwise constraint matrix (PCM) and the empirically constructed affinity matrix (EAM), express the similarity between samples, we assume that both of them are generated from a latent affinity matrix (LAM) that can depict the ideal pairwise relation between samples. Specifically, the PCM can be thought of as a partial observation of the LAM, while the EAM is a fully observed one but corrupted with noise/outliers. To this end, we innovatively cast the semisupervised affinity matrix learning as the recovery of the LAM guided by the PCM and EAM, which is technically formulated as a convex optimization problem. We also provide an efficient algorithm for solving the resulting model numerically. Extensive experiments on benchmark datasets demonstrate the significant superiority of our method over state-of-the-art ones when used for constrained clustering and dimensionality reduction. The code is publicly available at


? An existing classifier can be used to assign pseudo-labels, which is another form of algorithmic supervision. ? To accurately inspect the operating conditions of an internal combustion engine, several sensors are used to collect real-time measurements. ? Clustering is implemented to separate data into clusters (families of events), which allow experienced personnel to diagnose the fault. ? The unsupervised classification is based on partitional clustering of profile data to isolate the fault events in a restricted number of scenarios, each one described by a reference pattern. ? In this paper, a semi-supervised data-driven approach is discussed, in which combined labeled and unlabeled measurement data are used to train the model.


? Image segmentation has been a long-standing problem and typical approaches include Normalized Cuts , DDMCMC , Mean-shift , and fast graph-based approach. ? The SC approach reduces clustering to a problem of graph partitioning. ? This feature makes the K-means algorithm particularly attractive in unsupervised classification problems. ? This is the problem of finding eigenvectors of the Laplacian graph from the affinity matrix and then clustering eigenvectors into clusters. ? One of the most significant issues in this application refers to the high number of variables that define the state of the modeled process.


• We experimentally show on standard datasets that the proposed method outperforms other semi-supervised approaches. • It is therefore straightforward to combine the proposed method with any method from the first category. • This is exactly the way we combine the proposed approach with the state-of-the-art Mean-Teacher approach in our experiments. • we perform experiments to show the impact of different components involved in the proposed method and to compare with the state of the art. • We have proposed an approach that relies on graphbased label propagation to infer pseudo-labels for the unlabeled images.


? This information, which may be available from experienced personnel concerning a small subsample of data measurements, may lead to enhanced performance in the clustering process of data. ? The different performances of K-means and SC are compared in demonstrating the fault scenario. ? In, a comprehensive study of 11 internal validation measures was presented by evaluating their performance on a known dataset. ? The objective is to separate sensitive from insensitive information that may affect the diagnosis results as well as computational efficiency. ? How to use prior or background knowledge to improve the cluster quality and promote the efficiency of clustering data has become a research topic in recent years.

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