The most vital information about the electrical activities of the brain can be obtained with the help of Electroencephalography (EEG) signals. It is quite a powerful tool to analyze the neural activities of the brain and various neurological disorders like epilepsy, schizophrenia, sleep related disorders, parkinson disease etc. can be investigated ...
 Networking, which is one of the most significant aspects of information technology revolution, is developing increasingly day after day. This is because it offers a huge amount of knowledge, resources and human experiences. On the one hand, it contains a considerable amount of harmful content, because of misusing. On the other hand, sitting for a l...
  This paper aims to develop a tool for predicting accurate and timely traffic flow Information. Traffic Environment involves everything that can affect the traffic flowing on the road, whether it’s traffic signals, accidents, rallies, even repairing of roads that can cause a jam. If we have prior information which is very near approximate about a...

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