Stock marketplace is a complicated and demanding system in which people make more money or lose their entire savings. The stock market prediction having high accuracy yields more profit for stock investors. Stock market data is generated in a very large amount and it varies quickly every second. The decision making in stock marketplace is a very ...
 Hemoglobin can be measured normally after the analysis of the blood sample taken from the body and this measurement is named as invasive. Hemoglobin must continuously be measured to control the disease and its progression in people who go through hemodialysis and have diseases such as oligocythemia and anemia. This gives a perpetual feeling of pain...
 Predictive analytics has a significant potential to support different decision processes. We aimed to compare various machine learning algorithms for the selected task, which predicts credit card clients' default based on the free available data. We chose Random Forest, AdaBoost, XGBoost, and Gradient Boosting algorithm and applied them to a prepar...
 Falls are the main source of injury for elderly patients with epilepsy and Parkinson’s disease. Elderly people who carry battery powered health monitoring systems can move unhindered from one place to another according to their activities, thus improving their quality of life. This paper aims to detect when an elderly individual falls and to provid...

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