Agro Bidding A Smart Dynamic System for Enhancement of Farmers Lifestyle
This is an online auction web site aimed at taking the auction to the fingertips of aspiring bidders there by opening up the doors of the "OPEN Auction House' to a wider cross section of Art Lovers and Antique Collectors. This site also acts as an open forum where buyers and sellers can come together and exchange their products. The site makes sure that the sellers get a fair deal and buyers get a genuine product. The work will be done in ASP.Net and my sql
In this project, an online auction system is presented. It has a very large potential market of sellers and buyers. An On Line Transaction Processing(OLTP) database model structure is, therefore, desirable.
? May be buyers don’t have time to go and waste their time to buy the product in market.
? In manual auction the day of auction, venue and the items for auctions are told to the general public through electronic or print media. The people who wish to take part in the auction should first register himself and then arrive at the venue of the auction on the given date and time.
This project involves the design and implementation of an online auction system. The analysis stage is performed first for the case study. Project begins by analyzing and presenting the OLTP database model for the online auction house. Besides, the intention to establish what goes on operationally within the online auction house. It also defines the layout in and web application. In which many number of bidders bids the auction and final the auction won will store the result of the winning bidder details. And finally the shipment process will carried out.
? There is a chance of corruption and other factors for not providing transparent bidding.
? Simply we can define auction as a process of buying and selling goods or services by offering up of them for bids, taking bids, and selling items to the highest bidders.