Develop an IT enabled framework mechanism through which a person can give tip-off about any suspicious activity crime to the authorities
Although information systems and technology (IS/IT) investments have always caused varying degrees of business change, the main purpose of many of today's IS/IT implementations is to change the business and/or organization in some significant way. However, most organizations' approaches to managing IS/IT developments have changed little in the last 15±20 years and are heavily dependent on methodologies of IS/IT development and associated project management principles. The philosophy being adopted by many organizations today is that there are few IS/IT projects (some infrastructure investments only) that do not cause business changes and therefore they are really `business projects involving IS/IT'. This exploratory research set out to devise a new framework for `IT and change' management, which is more appropriate to today's realities than traditional approaches. The initial framework was derived from `first principles', then adapted and further developed by applying and testing it in a range of real projects in organizations. This paper summarizes the results of that work.
? These national/international level groups and activities supplement existing local law enforcement activities and are shaped by the peculiar national cultures and traditions of member states.
? HMCE examined the most likely sources among the more modest number of wholesale currency traders, using existing informants in the business area, with whom they had tried to build relationships and develop as Covert Human Intelligence Sources.
? A sample of reports to NCIS and examined their fate measured in terms of their enhancement of existing investigations, the creation of new investigations, and prosecutions.
? A need for change arises when the current actual state of an organization is seen to be problematic, or will become so at some time in the future if no action is taken to address the situation.
? Many of these problems, observed in all the cases, resulted not just from an unsuitable intervention process but especially from inadequate or inappropriate involvement of the key stakeholders, often as a result of a lack of clarity of roles in the process.
? This depends on the constructive involvement of the key stakeholders, especially the owners of the problem and the actors who have to deliver the solution.
• A common feature of all the above activities, assuming that they are successful in their fundamental purpose of generating large amounts of money, is the associated need to store and use that money without its illegal source being traceable.
• The impact of identity fraud upon business is substantial, and the collection of data on individuals and the counterfeiting of their identities for credit purposes is prima facie evidence of organized crime (though some impersonation fraud is opportunistic).
• This also makes it very difficult to specify the benefits for cost-benefit analysis purposes.
? This requires an understanding of the drivers for change and whether they originate in the context of the business, are to achieve particular performance improvements/outcomes, are due to business or IT content problems/opportunities, or are a combination of these.
? The organizations who sponsored this research already used a range of methodologies, but needed to understand how to use them in combination to increase success in ever more complex projects and also to find ways of bridging the gaps among them.
? To be used effectively in organizational change situations, it needs to be adapted to incorporate learning processes to complement its control process.