Tracing IP address and details of unidentified participants while academic sessions
Abstract : Distance Learning has been steadily gaining popularity. More and more universities and colleges are offering online course to increase enrollments. However, one question remains for those who teach online courses: who is doing the real course work? In this paper we will survey the commonly used methods to prevent e-Cheating, look at a few e-Proctors, and illustrate how biometrics is being used for that purpose. In particular we propose a new and alternative method to monitor student activities: using students’ IP addresses and timestamps to assist detecting possible cheating behavior. Our results show that IP addresses are applicable to categorize a student as suspect of collusion/cheating during exam. Thus it reduces the number of students an instructor has to pay special attention to for the purpose of preventing dishonesty.
? We show the existence of IP address cycles, that is, IP addresses that the devices use to connect to the Internet over long periods of time.
? They are ideally positioned for snooping the users’ activities, as has been shown in existing work.
? Existing international laws and agreements that might touch on these issues were not written for the Internet and need to be tested on cases involving Internet cyber-attacks.
? One possible solution to the problem is to use biometrics since biometrics cannot be easily transferable between two people.
? A biometric system is designed to solve a matching problem through the live measurements of human body features.
? We looked at how biometrics can provide a solution to the problem and surveyed the existing proposals of using biometrics to authenticate remote students.
• In particular we propose a new and alternative method to monitor student activities: using students’ IP addresses and timestamps to assist detecting possible cheating behavior.
• To increase their incomes, advertisers propose advanced features that enable to target specific users based on a wide range of criteria ranging from their demographics to their prior purchases.
• To protect users against tracking, several countermeasures have been proposed, ranging from browser extensions that leverage filter lists, to features natively integrated into popular browsers like Firefox and Brave to combat more modern techniques like browser fingerprinting.
? To mitigate the privacy implications of IP tracking, we can look at the advantages and disadvantages of different solutions.
? Advantages include the fact that special-purpose tracking and analysis features are only needed on the edge routers and the special-purpose tracking routers.
? This would allow IP assignments to be more stable over time, which would be a significant advantage from the perspective of tracking and tracing the individual or entity responsible for an attack originating from a particular IP address.