RoBA Multiplier: A Rounding-Based Approximate Multiplier for High-Speed yet Energy-Efficient Digital Signal Processing



In this paper, we propose an approximate multiplier that is high speed yet energy efficient. The approach is to round the operands to the nearest exponent of two. This way the computational intensive part of the multiplication is omitted improving speed and energy consumption at the price of a small error. The proposed approach is applicable to both signed and unsigned multiplications. We propose three hardware implementations of the approximate multiplier that includes one for the unsigned and two for the signed operations. The efficiency of the proposed multiplier is evaluated by comparing its performance with those of some approximate and accurate multipliers using different design parameters. In addition, the efficacy of the proposed approximate multiplier is studied in two image processing applications, i.e., image sharpening and smoothing.


? This element has been used to lessen the intricacy of acknowledgment of augmentations. ? A few structures have been recommended by different analysts for effective acknowledgment of FIR channels (having fixed coefficients) utilizing disseminated number juggling (DA) and various steady increase (MCM) techniques. ? It gives throughput adaptable plan as well as improves the territory delay productivity. ? The induction of square based FIR structure is clear when direct-structure arrangement is utilized, while the transpose structure design does not legitimately bolster square preparing.


? While the two qualities lead to a similar impact on the exactness of the multiplier, choosing the bigger one (aside from the instance of p = 2) prompts a littler equipment execution for deciding the closest adjusted esteem, and thus, it is considered in this paper. ? The disadvantage is MCM strategy won't work both thing of marked and un-marked activity, so it will we have to configuration separate MCM for marked and unsigned augmentation. ? Separate Multiplier structure for Marked and Unsigned Activity ? More rationale measure ? More Power and delay


• In this paper we propose a Modified rounding based approximate multiplier (MROBA) which is more accurate than the conventional multiplier (ROBA). • In this paper we proposed the modified form of rounding based approximate multiplier which is low power design, high speed and energy efficient. • Appropriate accuracy-configurable multiplier architecture was proposed for many applications. • The main concept of the proposed modified rounding based approximate multiplier is to design the multiplier so that it takes all values which are irrespective of 2n.


? It is highly desired to achieve this minimization with minimal performance (speed) penalty. ? Therefore, improving the speed and power/energy-efficiency characteristics of multipliers plays a key role in improving the efficiency of processors. ? The proposed approximate multiplier, which is also area efficient, is constructed by modifying the conventional multiplication approach at the algorithm level assuming rounded input values. ? The efficiencies of these structures are assessed by comparing the delays, power and energy consumptions, energy-delay products (EDPs), and areas with those of some approximate and accurate (exact) multipliers.

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