P2GT Fine-Grained Genomic Data Access Control with Privacy-Preserving Testing in Cloud Computing



With the rapid development of bioinformatics and the availability of genetic sequencing technologies, genomic data has been used to facilitate personalized medicine. Cloud computing, features as low cost, rich storage and rapid processing can precisely respond to the challenges brought by the emergence of massive genomic data. Considering the security of cloud platform and the privacy of genomic data, we firstly introduce P2GT which utilizes key-policy attribute-based encryption to realize genomic data access control with unbounded attributes, and employs equality test algorithm to achieve personalized medicine test by matching digitized single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) directly on the users' ciphertext without encrypting multiple times. We then propose an enhanced scheme P2GT+, which adopts identity-based encryption with equality test supporting flexible joint authorization to realize privacy-preserving paternity test, genetic compatibility test and disease susceptibility test over the encrypted SNPs with P2GT. We prove the security of proposed schemes and conduct extensive experiments with the 1000 Genomes dataset. The results show that P2GT and P2GT+ are practical and scalable enough to meet the privacy-preserving and authorized genetic testing requirements in cloud computing.


? In this study, we consider the existence of a malicious entity in the medical unit as the potential attacker. ? In this work, our goal is to protect the privacy of users’ genomic data while enabling medical units to access the genomic data in order to conduct medical tests or develop personalized medicine methods. ? To achieve these goals, we introduce the privacy-preserving disease susceptibility test (PDS). ? It is important to note that these genetic tests are currently done by different types of medical units, and the tools we propose in this paper aim to protect the genomic privacy of the patients in such tests.


? Attribute-based encryption (ABE), as a useful data encryption tool to address the problem of fine-grained data sharing and decentralized access control, was first proposed by Sahai and Waters. ? To better solve the keyword search problem over encrypted data, searchable encryption (SE) was proposed as an efficient solution. ? Therefore, most SSE schemes inevitably suffer from secret key distribution and management problems. ? To solve this problem, CP-ABE technology is widely adopted as a viable tool to achieve flexible data access control over encrypted data, which can gain one-to-many encryption instead of one-to-one. ? Our scheme solves this problem at the same time, with greater efficiency, therefore, with respect to theoretical analysis, our scheme is acceptable in the cloud.


• Our proposed solution lets the medical unit retrieve the encrypted genomic data from the SPU and process it for medical tests and personalized medicine methods, while preserving the privacy of patients’ genomic data. • The proposed PDS preserves the genomic privacy of a patient from a curious party at the SPU (who tries to infer the contents of the patient’s DNA from his stored data). • We implement the proposed PDS and show its practicality via a complexity analysis. • The proposed scheme preserves the privacy of patients’ genomic data relying on the security strength of the modified Paillier cryptosystem.


? We present the performance analysis in terms of theoretical analysis and experimental analysis, and demonstrate the efficiency of our scheme. ? Our scheme performs similarly to that of CP-ABSE scheme, and the PEKS-CPABE scheme has a better performance than the CP-ABKS scheme. ? Although the CP-ABSE scheme has better search performance than the CP-ABKS scheme, the cost of KeyGen algorithm and Encryption algorithm bring in a much higher overhead. ? To evaluate the actual performance of our scheme, we implement CP-ABKS, CP-ABSE and our scheme using Java language based on the Java Pairing Based Cryptography Library (JPBC). ? Meanwhile, we also analyzed the performance of our proposed scheme from the aspects of theoretical analysis and experimental analysis.

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