Film theft has such a profound impact on a wide range of economy that it is a crime in almost all countries. One major source of the movie piracy is camcorder piracy i.e., movies are recorded by portable devices inside theaters and then sold on internet and grey markets. Different techniques and strategies are explored to overcome the problem and secure the digital cinema content, some are based on spatiotemporal modulation of light, watermarking techniques, maximizing annoyance and temporal effects. This paper deals with a projection technique to avoid piracy in movie theaters. We aim to defeat camcorder piracy by severely degrading the visual quality of the recorded movie while making the interference signals invisible to the audience. Infrared emitters are installed in movie theaters to interfere with the camcorder and create glares in the recorded frames.
I. M. Epstein and Stanton proposed a system by locating the camera and projecting scanning light beam disturbs the camera sensors from illegal video capturing [4]. The shining objects reflect light which is transmitted from the screen, the target is detected and the camera sensors are saturated by scanning light beam. The disadvantage of the system is miss catch of the illegal recording camera that might be any other glittering objects (e.g. earrings, necklaces ) also reflect light. Also scanning light affects human eyes by scanning eye spectacles and causes injury to human eyes.
1. In this system anyone can upload video as it may be already presented on given website.
2.It just blocks but it won’t detect the location where piracy is happening.
This system prevents disclosure of private and personal information through unauthorized recording screens effectively by disturbing the acquisition functions of any camera making an illegal recording in the theatre. The way this technology works is that one component flashes an infrared light in a particular pattern. This
Approach reduces costs, heat and power use.
The watermarking embed can identify in which theatre the illegal recording occurred and whether the copies are legal or pirated can be traced. However, the watermarking techniques can not obstruct or defeat camcorder piracy.