Intrusion detection system using k-means clustering algorithm
Many researches nowadays working on increase the ability of the intrusion detection systems IDS, which depend on data mining techniques in their mechanism.
Whereas cyber-attacks of all kinds have been evolving , that require more efforts to fill in the gaps in intrusion detection system, increase their accuracy or the their ability of detect any intrusion and block or stop it, and reduce false alert rate.
In this research .. we review related works about development IDSs , and we propose an idea about merge two algorithms (k-means & Random forest) intention to fill in gaps detect the U2R breakthroughs, represented by reduce false alert rate.
Optimization algorithms have been developed on the basis of spontaneously inspired theories with the option of the right solution for such goals.
Several optimization algorithms are SwarmBased Algorithms (SBAs) and Evolutionary Algorithms (EAs). Crow Search Algorithm (CSA) and Artificial Bee Colony (ABC)[5][6] Particle Swarm Optimisation (PSO).
Cuckoo Quest (CS) is also a type-inspired algorithm focused on the breeding technique of cuckoo birds for an increase in population. To keep fault frequencies and voltage variations within an acceptable range, a CS algorithm has been used to minimise individual power losses in a smart grid.
Such breeding behaviour was idealised in the Cuckoo hunt and thus multiple optimization problems could be discussed. [8, 9] as indicated above.
Sensitivity to Initialization :K-means clustering is highly sensitive to the initial placement of cluster centroids. If the centroids are not chosen well or randomly, it may lead to poor clustering results, which can affect the IDS’s ability to correctly classify malicious activity.
Assumption of Spherical Clusters :K-means assumes that clusters are spherical (i.e., have a similar size and shape) and that the data is normally distributed. In intrusion detection, the patterns of normal and malicious activities are often complex and non-spherical, which could lead to improper clustering of attack data.
Handling of Outliers :K-means is sensitive to outliers. Intrusion detection datasets often contain anomalies or outliers (such as rare or unknown attack patterns). These outliers can distort the cluster centroids and affect the accuracy of the intrusion detection system.
Cluster Shape Limitations :K-means assumes that clusters have roughly the same size and density. However, intrusion data may contain clusters of varying sizes and densities.
K-means is one of the most unsupervised learning algorithms to overcome the well know clustering problem. This method is a simple and straightforward way to classify a particular data set in some fixed apriori clusters (assume k clusters).
K centers, one for each cluster, are defined as the position with respect. Due to different locations, these centers should be placed in a smart manner. Therefore, it is easier to isolate them from each other as far as possible.
The next move is to make each data set point and link it to the nearest location. If no element is in progress, it completes the first stage and an early age is completed. We need k new centroids to be re-calculated as barycenters from the clusters resulting from the previous step.
When we have these new centers, a new connection between the same data sets and the next new center is needed. This has built a loop. In this loop we will find that the K centers change their position step by step before changes are no longer made or, in other words, centers are no longer moving.
Simple and Easy to Implement :K-means is relatively simple and easy to understand. It’s a well-known algorithm with straightforward implementation, which can be a major advantage in developing an IDS. It doesn’t require complex parameter tuning or specialized expertise to set up.
Scalability :K-means scales well with large numbers of data points, which is often necessary in intrusion detection, where traffic logs or network behavior can be vast. By dividing data into clusters, K-means can handle larger datasets more efficiently compared to more complex algorithms.
Helps with Pattern Recognition :K-means can automatically group similar data points together, allowing it to detect unusual patterns in network traffic. This is valuable for identifying unusual activity (anomalies) or deviations from normal behavior, which are characteristic of intrusions or attacks.
Quick Anomaly Detection :Once trained, the K-means model can quickly classify new incoming data as belonging to a specific cluster (either normal or anomalous). This makes it suitable for real-time intrusion detection, as it can detect and flag abnormal traffic patterns promptly.