IOT Based E-Health care BAsed on Big Data

ABSTARCT :  IoT-enabled smart healthcare systems has the characteristics of heterogeneous fusion, cross domain, collaborative autonomy, dynamic change and open interconnection, but they bring huge challenges in privacy issues. We proposed a scheme of forward privacy preserving for IoT-enabled healthcare systems, which mainly includes a searchable encryption scheme to achieve privacy preserving and searchable function. Our scheme uses trapdoor permutation to change the status counter, and it makes the adversary difficult to determine the valid status counter of inserted record with only the public key of the client. Our mechanism can solve the problem of verifying the correctness of the search results in the top-k search scenario with only part of the search results. The formal security analysis proves that our scheme achieves forward privacy preservation which can guarantee the privacy of healthcare data. Besides, performance evaluation shows our scheme are efficient and secure to preserve privacy of IoT-enabled healthcare systems.
 This infrastructure includes existing and involving Internet and network developments. It will offer specific object- identification, sensor and connection capability as the basis for the development of independent cooperative services and applications. LTE-A should be backward compatible with LTE equipment, so upgraded M2M services can take advantage of existing LTE networks. A system containing n users provides unlinkability if the relation of a document Di and a user Uj exists with probability p = 1/n. Hence, an insider or attacker can not gain any information on links between users and documents by means of solely observing the system.
 We present different solutions that are applied in IoT-based health care to solve the issue of privacy and security of patient records. However, when IoT comes in, the data handling or exchange becomes problematic with all attack types over the internet. Cognitive decline is one of the most difficult health problems in terms of both its relation to the overall functioning of the disabled and the cost of care. AAL aims to extend the period of independent life for a disabled person, while giving her confidence that she will not be left alone if any health-related problem occurs.
 A range of IoT applications for the disabled users is identified, and their classification is proposed. The proposed approach allows hiding multiple data types in the same image. All these data can be separated and restored perfectly by the intended users. There are different identification scheme that are proposed for IoT system such as RFID object identifier, IPv4, IPv6, EPCglobal, Near Field Communications Forum (NFC), etc. The proposed system contains two chaotic systems that are kept synchronized to realize the complete recovery of the encrypted signal.
 The connectivity protocol based on the IPv6 low-power wireless personal area network is the most used in the IoT environment to support healthcare mobility via wireless approaches. With the integration of IoT in healthcare, there is a huge potential for improvement of the quality, safety, and efficiency of health care in addition to promising technological, economical, and social prospects. When the user sends his information to be used by the third party via a given health network, the encryption process is firstly executed using a key from the key pair and the system request a response to the third party in which the anonymization function generates a value to anonymize the encrypted data set. To this end, notations such “O” (Big O) and theta notation (T) are usually utilized and in this paper, we have used only big-O.
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