Performance analysis issue capturing system
The evolution of distributed architectures and programming paradigms for performance-oriented program development, challenge the state-of-the-art technology for performance tools. The area of high performance computing is rapidly expanding from single parallel systems to clusters and grids of heterogeneous sequential and parallel systems. Performance analysis and tuning applications is becoming crucial because it is hardly possible to otherwise achieve the optimum performance of any application. The objective of this paper is to study the state-of-the-art technology of the existing performance tools for distributed systems. The paper surveys some representative tools from different aspects in order to highlight the approaches and technologies used by them.
? The information can be merely the existence of an event.
? The objective of this paper is to study the state-of-the-art techniques used by the existing performance analysis tools and to focus on the appropriate techniques for performance analysis of heterogeneous distributed environments that can effectively be used for application performance improvement in real-time.
? This paper focuses on the state of the art technologies used in the existing performance analysis tools.
? Some of the existing tools, namely SCALEA, SCALEA-G, AKSUM, Pablo, and EXPERT.
? An existing sensor instance can be deactivated by selecting deactivate button.
? The performance properties help to identify actual problem, whereas dynamic call trees or region trees display where in the source code the problem occurs and code location displays how the problem is distributed across the machine.
? At workflow level, performance metrics that characterize the interaction and performance impact among activities are monitored and analyzed.
? The metrics like load imbalance, slowdown factor and synchronization delay can be measured using the fork-join model of work-flow activities and the impact of the slower activities on the overall performance of the whole structure can be analyzed.
• The proposed treadmill achieves similar performance to a typical, costly, interactive treadmill that contains a motion capture system and an instrumented treadmill.
• Motion capture has widely been used for quantitative purposes in several sport disciplines and activities, such as technique and competition evaluation.
• Performance analysis of sport aims at evaluating athletes’ improvements as a consequence of training over an extended period of time, the degree of physical condition or technical expertise.
• However, more sensors and sophisticated signal processing must be used to increase the expected level of accuracy.
? The information can either be gathered in the form of summaries or individually for each event. Performance analysis in this context means getting relevant performance information from trace data.
? Monitoring such an environment for executing compute-intensive applications and tuning the performance of these applications are major challenges faced by today’s scientific community.
? To apply state-of-the art technologies of the performance tools to correlate and interpret the captured data.
? This paper focuses on some representative performance analysis tools and highlights the technologies used by them.
? These tools were designed with diverse objectives, targeted different parallel architectures and adopted various techniques for collection and analysis of performance data.