Secure communication transaction in it industry



Security of electronic transaction over insecure communication channel is a challenging task that includes many critical areas as secure communication channel, strong data encryption technique and trusted third party to maintain the electronic database. The conventional methods of encryption in Secure Electronic Transaction can only maintain the data security. The confidential information of customer could be accessed by the unauthorized user for malicious purpose. Therefore, it is necessary to apply effective encryption methods to enhance data security as well as authentication of data communication. The multiple encryption technique provides sufficient security for electronic transactions over wireless network. In this research paper, the needs of multiple encryption technique in Secure Electronic Transaction are proposed to enhance the security of confidential data. This technique increases the data security in such a manner that unauthorized user can not access any part of information over wireless network as internet.


? This is because many media expose bad news about the Internet security, although security technology for the Internet exists and good enough for protecting transactions via the Internet. ? E-commerce exists before the Web, even though the term e-commerce is just widely used recently. ? In traditional commerce, negotiations and making contracts are conducted by physical existence of buyers and sellers. ? In other words there exists an efficient quantum algorithm to factor large numbers. ? SET is a set of rules and regulations that enable users to perform financial transactions through existing payment system over insecure wireless network (internet) in much secure and reliable manner.


? Trusted third-party also receives certificates from the credit/debit card issuer bank. These digital certificates include the public keys of bank and merchant. ? A trusted certificate authority makes an important role to register cardholders and merchants and after final approval certificate authority issues the security details and a unique signature key for online transactions. ? Authentication is an important issue for online users who perform online transactions over unreliable and insecure wireless network. ? This device-to-device payment system is facing major security issues.


• The new trend in the field is the M-commerce that involves making purchases through mobile devices. • One of the many ways to make a company known work is the World Wide Web, which the company presents its products and customer service. • E-business is a new way of doing business, a new way of using technology and a new way of creating companies. • There is no secret to anyone that the Internet has revolutionized the business world that is constantly trying to adapt to changing market needs digital.


? Reducing traffic and pollution in the city, because buying products and services online but this does not involve the displacement. ? By reducing the price it offers advantages to those with low income, thus contributing to social protection. ? Increase efficiency and improve quality of products and services sold. ? There are advantages for online business advantages that benefit both the business and the company's customers recipients. ? Any distributed application requires the prior existence of a well-defined target group that ensures efficient use of its resources.

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