Academic project search



Academic research faces new methods of knowledge production that trigger a need for managing research by projects. However, the literature reports friction between management and research. In this study, we investigate whether and to what extent academic research projects can be managed using classical project management (PM) principles. An analysis of managerial facts from interviews with ten university researchers indicates that research projects are PM-compatible considering certain structural similarities and a cultural acceptance of PM value. However, the human factors and uncertainties inherent in research are not addressed by classical PM. A grounded analysis allows for modelling a PM perspective that integrates soft and hard contingent aspects equally by combining structured and flexible approaches adapted to managing projects of an exploratory, uncertain and complex nature. We thus developed a prescriptive framework for facilitating PM implementation in academic research at the institutional, organisational and operational levels.


? In addition to the above Knowledge Areas as Cost Management and Communication Management, there is also a function which is to map the roles, responsibilities and hierarchy existing in the Academic Research Project as defined in the Knowledge Area nominated Human Resource Management. ? The relationship between these KA's and the Initiating and Planning Process Groups are discussed in a viewpoint of academic research stakeholders. ? It is considered that the man have been using actions that turns to practices of project management since long time ago. ? It is also considered that some important monuments created throughout the history of modern man were built under the precepts of project management although these were not formalized at the time.


? In the current socio-economic research context, researchers must strike a dynamic balance between structure and flexibility to manage their projects because any imbalance will lead to problems. ? While this may seem only logical if not self-evident, the dissociation between strategic levels and operations, and divergent stakeholder agendas, may explain why problems emerge when straight and strict PM processes, disconnected from people and daily activities, are imposed. ? It aims first to understand and build the issue confronting the field by comparing theoretical knowledge with field actor practices. ? Their evaluation of the impact of academic-based contingent factors.


• This paper presents the concept of project proposed by one of the institutions that determines standards that involving these practices, the PMI (Project Management Institute). • When it proposes a new research, whether undergraduate, graduate, improvement, extension, or even a monograph is necessary to define the initial proposal, as well as the people involved. • Regarding further works, some parts of this research have been tested separately, however, it is necessary to implement the use of full proposal from early research project to conduct the validation of processes and proposed structures. • The programs with the characteristic of encompassing multiple projects is very common and used in academic institutions as universities, isolated research institutes, etc.


? The integrated, dynamic and evolving combination of the two approaches during project implementation and throughout the project life cycle (see this section’s last paragraph) is what would yield optimal project performance. ? It shows that researchers must arbitrate between teamwork and individualism, student control or autonomy, formality and informality as well as planning and flexibility, in order to allow both efficient PM and creative research. ? The evaluation of scientist efficiency does not account for management variables or a fortiori PM variables. ? These findings may indicate that classical PM-like tools are not used because researchers are not aware of them, a plausible explanation since the PIs did not receive any PM training.

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