Digital advertising, on internet and mobile gadgets, has outpaced the traditional media advertising and for the first time in 2013 generated more advertising spending than television advertising. Digital advertising is believed to be an effective way to better target potential customers in the global market. Evidence shows that businesses have increasingly switched their advertising focus from traditional to digital media. This research uses an empirical study that explores the effectiveness of digital advertising vs. traditional media advertising along several mass marketing dimensions. The results reveal that while traditional media advertising still holds its ground, digital advertising offers more effectiveness for promoting companies’ products. The results suggest that marketers need to use more digital advertising in order to better target their customers, particularly the young consumers.
? Similar maps appear to exist in other, cortical areas of the brain that project to the SC, though they are sometimes known as priority maps in these higher areas
? This optimized layout led to an increase in overall viewing time of the entire ad array when compared with the existing layout.
? Average time spent viewing a particular feature ad, given that it was fixated, was also higher in the optimized layout, though average probability of fixating an ad within the array declined.
? Multiple lines of research have therefore investigated the viewing time and recall of warning labels in existing advertisements and compared them with those in which the salience of the warnings has been manipulated.
? While this study intends to focus only on the fundamental issues, it is a comparison of the effectiveness of traditional and digital advertising that renders this study to be unique.
? The objective of the study is to provide some insights to marketers that would improve the effectiveness of their advertising.
? This may suggest, from the consumers’ viewpoints, it is less important for advertisers focusing on these issues when they are allocating funds to different advertising media.
? The author attempts to identify the circumstances that make advertisers most vulnerable, notes adjusted contract structures that offer some protections, and explores the origins of the problems in participants' incentives and in legal rules.
• A proposed model is supported using an experimental design with 206 subjects and Analysis of Moment Structures. Significant hypothesized paths are found between levels of IIT, telepresence, and value variables.
• The study proposes that the evolution of social media and communication channels for marketing uses depends on a set of underlying infrastructures: a core/technological infrastructure, a competitive/commercial infrastructure, a political/regulatory infrastructure, and a social infrastructure.
• The use of touch-screen mobile devices will grow dramatically, and respondents can be expected to use them at a higher rate, as the screens expand (somewhat) and the devices gain more multi-purpose media use.
? The consequence of the ratings dynamics described above was that user-provided product ratings did not always accurately reflect product performance, yet they still had the potential to significantly influence product sales.
? Many advertisers have either increased their spending on the digital media, or have switched from the traditional media as they believe interactive advertising on the internet, mobile phones, and social networks is more effective and efficient, given the rising cost of traditional media.
? However, such a shift does not necessarily mean that traditional advertising would fade away in the near future.