Charity application in mailing system



One of the key fundaments of building a society is common interest or shared aims of the group members. This research work is a try to analyze web-based services oriented towards money collection for various social and charity projects. The phenomenon of social founding is worth a closer look at because its success strongly depends on the ability to build an ad-hoc or persistent groups of people sharing their believes and willing to support external institutions or individuals. The paper presents a review of money collection sites, various models of donation and money collection process as well as ways how the projects’ results are reported to their founders. There is also a proposal of money collection service, where donators are not charged until total declared help overheads required resources to complete the project. The risk of missing real donations for declared payments, after the collection is closed, can be assessed and minimized by building a social network.


? The main problem has not been one of denial to legal existence or legal protection, or even of right of protest to redress a wrong decision. ? This includes creating a legal and fiscal framework which allows voluntary non-profit organizations to come into existence without restraint and in a manner that is easy and inexpensive; to operate free of undue interference; and to have direct and indirect access to funds through tax benefits. ? A second category is organizations, which exist only on paper, and have been established only to launder black money or to avail of grant funding.


? An approach, complementary to scrupulous observations and polls, to discover motivation for charity, used in our research, was studying comments on web portals that appeared under articles related to charity and social help issues. ? Although such a method could not bring us objective quantitative results, we intended to focus rather on identifying situations, problems and arguments for supporting or not participating in charity actions that people give in an anonymous discussion. ? Many social problems seem too large for any one person to make a difference. ? Donors also claim to be willing to give more when they receive feedback from charities on the impact of their giving.


• System design in modular and structured way so as to make the integration with other subsystems easier. • User has complete control as it provides and accepts only appropriate and valid data. • User-friendly error messages are provided wherever necessary. • Addition, deletion, modification of records as when needed . • Providing add question for new Person. • Three printed or typewritten copies of the memorandum and articles of association of the proposed company duly signed by all the promoters with full name, address and occupation.


? The main concern of this project is to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the whole system. ? This reduces the efficiency as well as the possibility of mistakes is very high, so for copying up the current environment the need arises for a “computerized system” which will increase the efficiency and reduce errors to its minimum and should be cost effective. ? The most commonly used requirement elicitation technique is to conduct a meeting or interview. ? The action performed by visitors to a charity collection sites may give donation via internet money transfer (e.g. or credit card payment). ? They may also do some work in distributing information about the charity program by sending a message to their friends.

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