Human resource procurement



Employee Retention is the biggest challenge that Human Resource Management is facing today'. The uncertainty ofa changing economy, increasing competition and diversity in the workplace have compelled the organisations to hold on to their top performers at whatever cost they have to pay. It is a very difficult taskfor the recruiters to hire professionals with right ski/Is set allover again. Thus the focus has shifted front 'numbers' to 'quality' and from 'recruitment' to 'retention.' Many organisational human resource managementpractices play dominant role in building employee commitment andloyalty. Out ofthe plentiful practices, the procurement practicefacilitates the entry ofan employee in an organisation. Hence keeping in view the significance ofthis function, the researchers have ventured to investigate the influence of procurement practices on employees'retention intentions in the Indian IT industry. This paper studies the influence oforganisationalprocurementpractices on employee retention intentions on the basis ofpersonal and positional variables ofemployees. It also examines the variations in the corporate perception on the procurement practices as a retention toolfor ITPersonnel.


? If a company can tap external sources, the existing staff will have to compete with the outsiders. ? External recruitment may lead to dissatisfaction and frustration among existing employees. They may feel that their chances of promotion are reduced. ? These studies tell us about the extent of correlation which, exists between different sources of recruitment and factors of success on the job. ? It may help in removing inequalities in existing wage structures and in maintaining sound and consistent wag differentials a plant or industry.


? Some leave for growth, some leave for family problems but majority of them switchover jobs due to only one reason that is dissatisfaction. ? However, providing a good orientation training to the newly hired employee can not only help to effectively integrate that person into the workplace but can also help to make the new person feel welcome and provide him/ her information about how to cope with the demands of the workplace, and any possible problems that may arise. ? The magnitude and nature of these loses is a critical management issue, affecting productivity, profitability, product and service quality. ? This change in the nature ofthe workplace has brought up more-not-fewer retention issues.


• A personnel man who simply pushes files and attends labour courts for conciliation purposes and other rituals of legal procedure for the settlement of industrial disputes is not a personnel administrator of the future. • Human Resource Planning constitutes an integral part of corporate plan and serves the organisational purposes in more ways than one. • The purpose of selection is to pick up the most suitable persons who would match the requirements of the job and the organization. • The assessments are made to find employee potential for the purpose of promotions.


? The globalisation ofbusiness is forcing the managers to grapple with complex issues of employee retention as they seek to gain or sustain a competitive advantage. ? The factors that may be considered in analysing staffretention should include Training period, Intent to stay, Job satisfaction, Pay and benefits, Promotion opportunities, Job design, and Performance. ? It is also important to check in witf the employees for formal and informal catch ups, providing the opportunity to give and receive performance feedback and to discuss the strategies for their long-term career development. ? When the employees are hired on the basis ofsuch analysis they are better suited to the kind ofwork they are required to do in the organisation, thus enhancing their performance level as well as their job satisfaction consecutively increasing theirjob engagement and thus retention.

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