College student information system
Currently there exist severe fragmentation, different development standards, lack of sufficient support and other problems in the development of college student information management system. Therefore accelerating the development of student information management system is of necessity to improve universities’ management and administration efficiency. From the perspective of customers’ demands, the system should be designed and developed on the basis of Web Service by adopting B/S structure and SQL Server technology so as to coordinate applicability, security, compatibility, stability, maintainability and other non-functional demands.
? It is argued that institutions that apply design activities in their system development achieve many potential advantages that increase user satisfaction.
? In existing system every organization follows manual procedure in which faculty should enter all the details of the student such as attendance(only %),result,fees, scholarship details and L.C etc.
? Lots of paperwork: Existing system requires lot of paper. Loss of even a single register/record led to difficult situation because all the paper are needed to generates the reports.
? Time consuming: every work is done manually. It increases the frequent iteraction of the admin with the student.
? These systems, including learning management systems (LMS), provide functions and tools that overcome college-level administrative and academic problems.
? This helped to understand the current state, problems, and opportunities for the system and help shape the questionnaire's final statements.
? Training and guidance are critical issues for the proper use of technology in educational institutions.
? Current college students in the study of information management problems and improve, based on the use of technology and VbScript ASP programming language to implement the Student Information Management System Design and Implementation.
• The proposed system that we are going to develop will be used as the Chief performance system for providing help to the organization in managing the whole database of the student studying in the organisation.
• Due to its importance, several frameworks and models have been proposed to design and assess of interactive systems.
• The proposed system that can be develop will be used As the chief performance system for helping the Organization in managing the whole database of the Student studying in the organization.
• This paper proposes the web based online system Which reduces lots of paper work that permits admin to manipulate and present student data in a meaningful manner in generating a clear view of student records.
? After the login students can input basic information, enroll for the semester, select courses, study online courses, apply for the scholarship and grant, record their own comprehensive performance, pay the tuition fee, and inquire the school report and the finance.
? The repetitive work would add extra burden to students as information provider and reduce information processing efficiency and validity.
? Although some universities use SQL Server and other large databases, information overload is so severe that it affects the overall operation efficiency of the information system.
? Stability is a crucial factor in ensuring the efficient and smooth operation of the system.